Monday 19 April 2010

Drugs are ruining society...[The ones the government want you to take]

Its official the government and other major parties have concluded we have a sick society [Broken Britain] with many parts of it breaking down in attitude, lack of respect, law and order, povety etc hence we have a CCTV on every street corner and a police surveillance society to contain it. They put the blame on a lot of those things on drug useage.....I would agree this is part of the over all cause as this country has a drug problem but I wont mention the lack of investment by past governments to replace lost traditional manufacturing industries and mining in this country and relying too much on 'The City's' money markets for future prosperity while leaving whole areas laid to waste jobs wise. One of our celebrated past female leaders Lady bloody Thatcher was especially zealous at breaking down traditional industries and stopping investments to replace them in communities...bless her cotton knickers.

Drugs are hugely to blame for the current behavioural breakdown that make our streets no-go areas at certain times and this is happening in every town/city in this country. The drugs are perfectly legal and government policy is to encourage people to indulge in them as they bring in mountains of cash in tax revenue. even government policy has been changed to make it easier to enjoy your drug fix by extending opening hours to 24 in every day. you can buy your drugs now in sweet shops, supermarkets on almost every street in the country. every social occasion or celebration isnt complete without including these drugs. mass production technigues and low taxation on the industries producing them means the prices of them are rock bottom so affordable to everyone. sounds like a junkie heaven huh?

The Society wrecking drugs are of course TOBACCO and ALCOHOL. The governments policy to create a European 'cafe' culture by extending opening hours and bringing drinking out onto the street has caused a Binge culture meaning large numbers of ordinary normally respectable people fall out of pubs/clubs in a drunken stupor most weekend nights inevitably causing social havoc and criminal damage with violence. Its not just yobs terrorisng council estates now but groups of drunks making town/city centres no go areas to ordinary decent folk. Many are afraid to go to town centres weekend evenings because of this and you'll see police CCTV entertainment programmes on our tv's weekly showing the mayhem. Alcohol abuse stretches our social services and the NHS to almost breaking point. With half a million smoking/drink related illnesses recorded every year. each year 114,000 die from tabacco related desease and 40.000 die from alcohol related illnesses.

Governments are always eager to blame illegal drugs for our ills but in reality the illegal drug problems are quite small. Heroin useage is an exception for its so addictive many users turn to crime to support their habits so theres a good case to link it to anti-social behavior. but a few are acceptable for recreational use if controlled. Many drugs should be de-criminalised in my view but NOT legalised including cannabis. The reason?....we live in an industrial contained society where rules and order are important for it to work. If it is to work you cant advocate every day drug use in the interests of safety and manufacturing production. even using a mild drug like cannabis would cause risk using industrial machinery and a persons drive/enthusiasm would be would you be happy having lorry/bus driver passing within feet of you and your family in a town centre when hes smoking cannabis?? or hospital technichions operating life saving machinery while high?? pilots flying aircraft?? some people have addictive personalities also so it simply isnt fesable so it has to be but not legalised.

Its interesting to note the recent banning of synthetic chemical Mephedrone and the anger it caused with drug experts on the governments own appointed drug advisery panel causing many to leave. This chemical is 98% pure and like anything in life if used properly is reasonably unlike illegal street bought substances like Heroin/Cocaine/speed which is cut by street dealers with unknown additives to make it go further and increase profits. Many experts left the advisery panel arguing the government were dictating and even bullying them to write negative reports on Mephedrone when in fact they found no direct deaths caused by it. why have an expert advisery panel if they dont heed their expert advise? I say get them to test the harmful efforts of legal drugs like Tobacco/alcohol that would certainly be interesting. The experts accused the government of being two faced and only interested in appearing to be tough on drugs leading up to an election as it increases votes in middle England. You would think a government would be more concerned with allowing a 98% pure drug that is safe to be available to all rather then illegal often dangerous illegally bought drugs bought on the street but no...they're more concerned with criminalising users then their safety. pity they dont focus so much on real killers like Tobacco/alcohol rather then Mephedrone. It is of course a governments duty to protect the public against drug use but there are many layers to useage. thousands happily use illegal drugs every weekend socially without problems and live normal happy lives no amount of legislation or criminalising them will change that.

The government needs to change their current policies on legalised and illegal drug use to help cure the problems of our broken society in the social sense.lets bring normality to our streets again and get rid of the free for all thats happening now. Focus more on Tobacco/alcohol abuses that are marring our streets and not so much on the small in comparison synthetic chemicals the gutter press like to scream about without foundation

Here are the true statistics of drug deaths..the government would have you believe illegal drugs are the danger...dont be fooled!

Alcohol 40 ,000 deaths per year
Tabacco 114 ,000...
Solvents 47...
Ecstasy 40 [although the drug itself wont kill you, its related things like overheating-heart failure etc can]
Cocaine 100
Heroin 800
Cannabis 11
Mephedrone nil

Make up your own minds which the governments should be warning us against?? CALLEN

Words of Wisdom......"People too weak to follow their own dreams...will always find a way to discourage yours"