Tuesday 23 March 2010

Wear your uniform with pride.......I dislike uniforms

When ordinary human beings from any class or level of intelligence put on a uniform it changes them.......usually not in a good way. Uniforms are used to denote a persons position/role in a given environment. They do serve an important purpose in some things where people in charge or in helpful positions need to stand out. They give you a false identity or a skin of instant respectability

Work requires a uniform be it office factory retail utility services essential services etc etc a corporate identity although in many instances its more ritual humiliation to wear one as it wipes out your individualism. years ago your class was identifiable by the uniform style of hat/cap you wore. nowadays its crossed over to the type of car you drive, your social tastes/activities can be identified by your uniformed fashion style, way you speak etc uniformity is our identity. its a form of social stereo-typing the state forces you into and it reinforces 'class' types in this country.

Put a uniform on even the mildest of character and it changes them. its almost like the real person hides behind a character in a play. It adds false confidence......assertiveness....a feeling of being special in the crowd. it causes you to carry out certain acts you wouldnt normally do because the uniform gives you the authority and the issuer takes the responsibilty from you. they cause a hardened attitude. people hide themselves behind it. some people in uniform kill others and feel no guilt because the uniform takes the responsibilty away from the wearer.

Military styled police uniforms that intimidate.....biker gangs.....traffic wardens............soldiers......council estate Chavs.....followers of fashion....etc etc we cant escape it. maybe the only way out is to become a naturist!? but if I walk around nude in the street a uniform will arrest me..another will lock me up in a cell..another will treat me in mental hospital....is there no escape from uniformity? I dislike uniforms!

PS. words of wisdom......" Doing your best is more important than being the best "

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