Monday 25 October 2010

Autumn calls you to its not deny its call!

Suddenly theres an autumn chill in the air and golden brown everywhere! I do love the changing seasons and autumn being one of my favorites. That first step out the door at 6am to greet an orangey sunrise illuminating a pale blue artist could make it more perfect. That sharp cold chill on your nose and steamy breath making you feel so alive. A smell of damp rotting vegitation and a smouldering bonfire from the night before stimulating your senses. Fallen leaves scatter beneath your feet marking your presence and hopping rabbits in the distance scouring for food along the sheltered hedge rows. Large black crows and larks tune up for the morning chorus that announces another new day with its own unique soundtrack. The whole landscape tones down and changes to a melancholy mood and strangely this effects us too...Its as if we batton down the hatches for the next 4 months and watch tv!

Dont crawl under a stone this winter force yourself out the door to experience this changing theatre of nature with its change of scenery in colors sounds smells and moods. Theres a strange enchanting beauty in its melancholy with trees stripped bare exposing their powerful wrinkly skinned limbs and a carpet of rich brown golden leaves crunching beneath your feet in the morning frost. The barren brown ploughed fields that gave up their rich harvest just a few months before and now lay bare to the elements. That seething chill in the air that penetrates to your very soul and makes the nerve endings on your skin feel so alert.

Suddenly along the hedge rows you stumble across a flash of color in this moody landscape..its a Holly bush with a flash of blood red and still green foliage like a rebel in the rough refusing to give into natures Autumn ravages...defiant in bold bright color. Suddenly theres a stirring amongst the trees and the Larks flee screaming from the tall trees warning of danger...your adrenaline causes you to stiffen! Probably one of natures shyest creatures are slowly creeping through the undergrowth ie a herd of Deer. Their watery fearful eyes darting in every direction as they tread forward in unknown ground. Smooth brightly colored fine fur coats that fashion houses envy glisten in the early morning sun. They pass by quietly with their young hugging their tails and you are reminded we share this Earth with beautiful creatures.

As we head for home on this brisk early morning walk we feel surprisingly exhausted but exhilarated inside. Our nose is runny and feet cold but they dont distract from a warm feeling inside. Hard to explain but its a feeling similar to when something suddenly inspires your thoughts out of the blue. Modern life shields us from our natural rhythms that are meant to be in tune with the nature around us. We cut ourselves off in cushioned environments with artificial heat and light that stifle our natural instincts. We are an animal and need to connect with our natural environment to know who we are. Do not hide away this Autumn/winter...get out there you will feel better for it! CALLEN

Words of Wisdom..... "Cut your own path....Only dead fish swim with the tide"

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