Saturday 1 January 2011

New beginning...New opportunities....2011 many new year resolutions you gonna make and probably end up breaking? People in western culture are so flighty and lacking in self disciplines. I ponder is it because we are without religious faith these days? or maybe because we are blinded by endless temptations? Is consumerism so unsatisfying that we crave more and more in a vain attempt to find something? until in the end we are totally lost spiritually and consumed ourselves!

Yes the end of an old year causes reflection and stock taking..unless of course you wanna stay on the same ole treadmill as last year. Its time to reflect quietly on the lost opportunities of last year and the mistakes we made with people. Trying not to repeat them. Like a beautiful king snake in the garden of Eden we should shred our old skins once a year and face the new year a new. we need to spiritually evolve and hopefully become better people..this crazy violent world needs that!

We need to stop and question the way we live. we are greedy and selfish..we are impulsive and reactionary..we are arrogant and narrow minded...its not our fault because we have been taught to behave that way. many travel through each year thinking the most important thing in life is...our own happiness! we want a better car..better/bigger house..the latest electronic gadget accessory..more exotic holidays..more better sex..wanna wanna does it all end? what is the ultimate goal? A better world?

In the near future when there really is a 'Them and Us' society divided by extremes of wealth education and technical know how. Where the chosen minority live in security gated communities and the under classes live on massive cctv watched estates with their own shopping malls schools and social facilities. when sea levels have risen and we no longer have long hazy summers but hurricane storms are the norm. that western liberal religions have all but died out and the world faith is predominantly Islam. The oil has all but run out and we cant afford to purchase/run the new electronic cars and in any case we are restricted to 20 miles per week etc etc is this really a picture of the future?

Why not make a resolution to be more human from now on? to think of others less fortunate than be more tolerant to those that are different to us in race look philosophy culture. To have respect for our communities and the world we live in. To not follow false heroes like celebrities or consume without thought. To look beyond materialism because its all just glitter and not gold. when you are a nan or grandad in the future and your little grandchild looks up at you and innocently asks.." What did you do nan/grandad before the world changed? " Will you reply.." Oh I was too busy having a good time with my big house/fast cars/latest Ipod phone/cool fashions/binge drinking/casual multiply sex partners etc etc to even notice the changes in the world" Its a brand new year and if we try we do have the power to change things for the better.

When you walk out the door tomorrow make an effort...reach out with kindness to someone new for a change and break through that wall you have built around yourself...what wall you might say? are you sure there isnt one?. break free from your cosy social clique and connect with others. Its called caring and community...remember when we had that? Our societies have slipped into a surreal scenario where neighbours living on the same street or even housing block are strangers. Even elderly folk living in our midst can die and no one knows for weeks. its unreal. One of my new year Resolutions is to try and be a better person in 2011 and reach out. Are you going to make the effort?? CALLEN

Words of wisdom...." The road to hell is..paved with good intentions!"

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