Saturday 3 July 2010

I miss you my friend

I miss seeing you from across the room of a crowded bar.....and you walking by on a bustling street to the back drop of noisy traffic.

I miss the sound of your infectious laugh that happened often when you were around....that warm smile that used to disarm any barrier between us.

I miss that gentle sway of your bosoms when you walked by in your flowery summer dress....the sun shining on your long flowing hair in the summer breeze.

I miss your feminine gentleness that always brought me down to earth....the passing whiff of your perfume that caused me to feel quite heady every time we met.

I miss the way you make me feel inside even on the dullest of days...and how you remind me that life isnt complete without a woman.

I miss the little girl in you always lurking behind the woman....the way you could always wind me around your little finger but I didnt care.

I miss the deep ache of yearning inside you caused me yet you were never was a pain I bore in silence.

I miss my courage in wanting to tell you how I really felt inside about you...but my fear of rejection always tied my tongue.

I miss you my friend every time your not around....I miss the love I always imagined would be but fear I am alone in my thoughts.

I just miss you......

Words of Wisdom.... " Easiest thing in the world is to be you....the most difficult is to be what other people want you to be...dont let them put you in that position"

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