Saturday 3 July 2010

Passing Ghosts....

I found myself visiting an area and places recently I hadnt been to in years. Passing through once familiar streets and cosy buildings that once were my regular haunts.

Names above shop front windows, A rusty street lamp, the local pub with fading pub sign. A bump in the road still there! A familiar face in the corner shop still following his daily routine year in year out. Much the same after a decade gone by. Happy reminders of another time...another life!

All these reminders acted as a trigger releasing a flood of half forgotten memories of a time gone by. I gave into this sudden rush of nostalgia for it was almost comforting to be reminded of what were good naive times.

I enter my old local for a drink. same victorian furnishings and highly polished bar pumps. Recognising a few locals much the same except for extra face lines. juke box still on the wall with some of the old tunes...I bathed it all in..this place...these people...the smells...the sounds..the feelings..are all imprinted in my brain. I close my eyes and 1997 is still so real!

I recall lost loves and absent friends some now dead. I can hear their voices coming from the walls and that oh so familiar laughter that used to warm my soul. Your instinct is to reach out and touch those hold onto them tightly before they fade away. almost like theres a yearning in your heart to be reunited with them like an old friend.

I have to force myself to snap out of this trance...I need to leave this place now quickly. Past experiences help shape what we are today but...they can be ghosts that haunt our soul! CALLEN

Words of Wisdom... " The road to excess leads to the path of Wisdom if you survive the journey "

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