Saturday 14 August 2010

In touch with your feminine side

The past number of years a new younger generation of journalists and producers trying to make a name for themselves in the media have flooded us with idiotic TV blurbs and tabloid type gimmicky headlines that has evolved into TV speak alongside text speak. you may think this is harmless and a bit of fun but its more serious as it seeps into everyday language thus diluting the useage of one of the best languages in the world...The English language. Our ancestors wouldnt understand us!

I am not a lover of gimmicky terms and a few which make me cringe are "I wanna swim with dolphins"....its said these fish are intelligent and can vocally communicate I wonder what they have to say about that? others I dislike..."I'm a member of the milehigh club" or "I dont do...." .."Dont go there..." etc etc but one that is so patronising it really gets my goat "Get in touch with your feminine side"..referring to men of course. I'll wager this was dreamnt up by some female tabloid journalist or womans magazine editor whos a full blown lesbian manhater [This is not meant to be derogative toward lesbians of which I'm very tolerant but I dislike manhaters who patronise or attack men in print]

Indeed that term is an insult to men generally. Its suggesting men do not possess the qualities of sensitivity..caring..loving..humility..gentleness..understanding of womens needs/flaws etc etc that only women are capable of having a more balanced nature..bollix! In reality we are all different some do..some dont regardless of sex. if you believe men arent in touch with their softer side [feminine is an insult] than you hold an old fashioned view of men from yesteryear suggesting all men are gruff..macho..insensitive grunting ape like creatures who think its romantic dragging their women folk by the hair to the cave. [yes I know there are some women who crave that type of treatment secretly] I am an alpha male hairy macho dominant as most/many men are on the surface but thats an image or body armour shown to mark territory to other males..underneath that hunter/gatherer skin is a protective caring sensitive articulate loving creature but its not shown on the surface.

I am left wondering if todays females who embrace 'Ladism' is an example of females getting in touch with their macho/man side? or is it an indication that large numbers of women secretly admire/want to be like men? women who subscribe to the Ladism culture havent a clue as they have mis-interpreted the meaning of being an alpha male..they display what they perceive to be male by being loud..arrogant..violent..binge drinking..swearing..puking in the streets etc you see large groups of women like this everywhere now in towns/cities out socially shameing themselves and throwing away the very thing that men love and respect women for...their feminity! My suggestion to any female gimmicky headline maker who likes to patronise and dump on mens great qualities is.....dream up a headline for the women who need to get back in touch with their own feminine side and stop apeing men who are bad examples! amen! CALLEN

Words of wisdom....."a winner never quits.....and a quitter never wins"

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