Sunday 26 September 2010

Life in a box

Sometimes life just boxes you in and you feel like your not in control of your destiny..I recall as a child my parents used to have fun at xmas times/birthdays by placeing my prezzy in umpteen boxes bigger than the important one..amused by my enthusiasm in openning them thinking the prize would be revealed. than theres that box in the corner of the room that we stare at and it influences our lives so much. we sit for hours every day just staring at that tv box ignoring real life around us.

its becoming a joke now at supermarkets because of over packageing and again just too many boxes to open. we are happy to sit in traffic jams in our metal box cars thinking it brings us freedom but in reality it usually isolates us further by boxing us in. we are willing to pay good money to be in vip boxes at football matches/theatre/conserts. if I want to thank my love I'll buy a box of chocolates.

If we get stressed by life things and go to see a shrink he'll use a common mind game ie imagine a big box in your mind. collect all your worries/troubles into a bundle and lower them into that box..seal the it in a flowing river and watch as it floats away further and further taking your stress with it. Given a form to fill in and told to tick the boxes. when life stresses you out you feel boxed in.

we live in box like small houses and chat on Facebook through another box that houses our pc. when we move house we go out searching for them to put our prized possessions in..we order a pizza in one when we get there..I ordered a cd boxed set recently [why a boxed set??] when I was stopped by police recently they produced a magic box of tricks to prove my id and if false would have put me in one at the station etc etc than we end our days on planet earth in a long one and are buried/burned in it. I'm probably having a bad day at the mo but...I'm so sick of boxes and of feeling boxed in tee hee CALLEN

Words of wisdom...." Failure teaches success"

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