Wednesday 29 September 2010

Political games

Here in the UK at the moment theres a media circus going on because one of our main Political parties are electing a new leader. 'New Labour' which lost the recent Election after governing for the past 13 years are suddenly out of Political fashion and bad news so...its the normal rush to clear out the old faces and re-invent themselves in the hope of attracting back the defecting voters. its all a Political PR game of course which happens every time a party is defeated but...worryingly the game usually works on the British public.

What makes the 2010 edition of the game more interesting is that the main two contenders for the leadership of the Labour party are in fact brothers ie
Edward and David Miliband. both middle class public school boys and opposites in character, David the older brother being very forth right and outgoing. A sharp mind and quietly confident with leadership qualities etc where as his younger Brother Edward is the quiet introvert one who has always stayed in his older brothers shadow in the past. always in the back ground working away quietly without a fuss. they couldnt be more different. Older brother David has been in the forefront of the last governments success having helped in the initial planing at their 1997 victory. Indeed he was tipped by the party and the media alike to be the next leader of the party.

Well surprise the leadership contest is is counted. The media whipped up a circus about it and it was truely a political soap being played out on our TV screens. Everyone could relate to two siblings scrapping it out in the media glare and everyone thought the more wise experienced older brother would was already on the cards wasnt could see on their faces the older brother supremely confident and the younger one almost shyly blushing at all the fuss being made in front of the cameras, Well another surprise the younger brother won by a slim margin of 1% and it was put down to Trade Union members backing. everyone was shocked at the outcome no more so then the younger brother winner himself..he looked almost embarrassed by the outcome.

Well no real surprise to Political watchers really ie you just got to sift through the facts behind the medias bright lights. Older brother David was a strong supporter of ex Prime Minister Tony Blair and publicly stated he wanted to carry on New Labours policies. what was he thinking? did he not notice that Tony Blair and New Labour were in fact bad news this year? People in their millions have realised the illegal wars in Irag/afghanistan were in fact illegal and wrong in the first place..that Labour got us into the biggest debt through bad management since the Second World War..that Labour has willingly allowed this country to develope a Big Brother police State..that their policies have made this world an unsafer place from attacks from terror-ism. On those issues alone which older brother David supported were enough to see him lose even though it was a slim margin.

Younger brother Edward did not support many of Labours far right wing policies including the illegal wars although he towed the party line at the time and kept quiet so the unions backed him. but...the important theme here is that its all a game. Its well written that todays Politics are governed by well established guidelines. ie to be sure of any victory these days you have got to ensure two is be popular to the middle ground or mainstream voters which translates as middle of the road Politics without veering to left or right policies because the middle ground voters make up the biggest voting mass. secondly the same rule applies that you have to be media savvy and liked. The media success wins elections so again it has to be middle of the road. Its little surprise younger brother Edward is a good choice because hes a clean sheet and not much is known about him. what better way to invent a new start? The party can write whatever they wish onto that clean sheet where as his brothers support for old Blair policies was yesterdays news and even the party feared mass non support of the illegal wars/economy measures would turn voters away. They know Edward is the safer bet to attract old and new voters at the next Election.

Bad news is of course that Britain is stuck in the muddy middle ground for the forseeable future as thats the working model thats been moulded. I believe the 2-party system we have been stuck in the past 50s years is part of our problem in this country. we cant escape it and nowadays they are indeed both the same ie middle ground because they have to be to win. its a sham and isnt true Democracy when you weigh it all up. The last 'New Labour' government set the mould. The old Labour party with its Socialist aims were hijacked by the gang of 4 [Tony Blair-Gordon Brown-Peter Mandleson-Alastair Campbell] in the 1990s. They used the old Labour brand and re-invented a new 'Tory' party and used well proven American Election techniques to win the election. With a huge majority in the House of Commons at their election win in 1997 they could do what they liked and indeed totally ditched Socialist ideals in favor of 'Tory' policies which they most copied from the Conservative Party. We are in a Political mess in this country and theres no real Domcracy anymore..worse still joe public mostly dont see it! CALLEN

Words of Wisdom....." Ignore the warnings of past history....and you are doomed to repeat it."


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  3. Removed simply because they added nothing to the debate. Trading insults will only result in non participation
