Thursday 30 September 2010

Silly thinking tee hee......

It may be wishful thinking on my part but I think natures got it wrong as regard humans being born as wee babies! we should be born old! Consider these advantages for a moment....... The average age of death in this country stands at around 75 because of our current diet and lifestyle so the chances are You are gonna die of heart attack/cancer/organ failure around that age so.......for arguments sake we should be born at 75.

There would be little difference as regards a baby we'd still need looking after by mum/dad [they'll be younger than us] will need to wear a nappy as baby would due to incontinence. would need to be pushed around in a wheelchair instead of a pram/pushchair. would need to learn things again and be educated like a child as old age causes senile dementia. would have to be spoon fed etc etc so overall little difference in care at the beginning of life.

But the great advantages we grow younger and learn lifes skills which takes time. along the way we will perfect our skills in every area and gain wisdom but this will combine with us being at our best physically too..what a great combination! that the mind will be at its best along with youthful good looks stamina enthusiasm sexual prowess energy.

with everything our brain has learned and our physical best we would be unstoppable!

Other advantages would be we would die as a baby and need less burial space. smaller young peoples homes [yap] at the end of our lives. less food as we would only need to be bottle fed with liquid foods. a few cheap plastic toys would amuse us etc etc less resources needed overall. there must be other advantages I've missed...can you think of any if this was possible??? CALLEN

Words of Wisdom..." Worry never robs tomorrow of its only saps today of its joy "

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