Thursday 30 September 2010

TV Celebs who get my goat in the UK [Humorous Rant]

TV persons that get my goat...

JONATHON ROSS This ego ponce isnt good at anything but you couldnt get away from him before the BBC booted him off. The reason was that he used to be on one of the new contracts that means he was paid ridiculous amounts of money and they used him as much as possible. He has a motor mouth and loves the sound of his own voice..which is surprising as he has a lisp. listen to his radio shows and music hardly gets a play he could talk for hours. on his chat shows hes dragged them down to a new low with his 6th form sense of humor which is embarrassingly childish and every other sentence is a sexual innuendo you can see some of his sophisticated guests cringe. hes just not good at them. he pops up presenting at award ceremonies where presentation skills and clarity of speech is vital yet he lisps and pronunciation is poor. He pops up on endless quiz shows and trys to take over. every time a camera catches him even if its in the street he has to be loud and the centre of attention. Smug..arrogant..loud..ego..everything the BBC didnt used to represent.

EAMON HOLMES used to be the housewives chubby pin-up a few years ago on daytime TV because of his easy manner and soft Irish tones. but now hes ballooned in size and lost his sense of timing. hes also become smug and developed a patronising manner that irritates. hes never seen now without a clip board that he reads from. he has a habit of looking off camera and looking totally disinterested with the subject matter he presents which is so unprofessional. Lacking in any type of humor he often slips in little condescending remarks when presenting and trys to be-little his partner Ruth Langsford. smug and miserable!

JEREMY CLARKSON used to be funny but now hes grown into a bigot. a scruffy middle aged man whos a loud mouthed ranter that still thinks hes 19..the sort of dad any kid would be embarrassed over. he talks over everyone and thinks only his opinion counts. a petrol head whos breathed in so many fumes the logical part of his brain has evaporated. he slags every world car manufacturer off yet forgets that Britain dosent own or make their own cars anymore and that his livihood depends on them. I've heard also that in reality hes a crap driver. He represents a dinosaur image of yesterdays aggressive macho chauvinistic hetro male with his bad hair cut and bad dress sense...faded denims and suit jackets...His presenting style relies on gimmickry and corny soundbites rather then concise motoring facts with a dose of adult humor..hes an embarrassment. Big mouth and Bigot.

GORDON RAMSEY we cant get away from fecking cookery shows..whats going on!? This glorified cook who acts likes hes on cocaine or Speed all the time makes me him next time hes on he cant keep still. his craggy lined face that looks like its been grilled on gas mark 6 for 2 years is always sweaty. his mouth never stops rabbiting. he has made arrogance and swear words fashionable on his own. he smugly charms the ladies on camera and humiliates men when they're off guard. To me he epitomises an arse-hole and has helped dumb down television with his TV F-Word shows. He has been criticised for defamation of women in the past as well as cheating on his long suffering wife. His presenting style is to goad and be-little those he is supposed to be training just for the cringe effect. Bully and Chauvinist.

Davina McCall. Where on earth did this manic idiotic woman come from? Shes incapable of an intelligent normal consistent conversation without falling into a hissy fit like some deranged teenager. Her facial expressions during such fits are a cartoonists dream. Famous for presenting TVs reality show 'big Brother' where she struts and animates before the shaky hand held cameras she is the perfect training example of how 'not to present'. Whenever she appears on a TV screen I feel like being violent. Stupid and Manic

These above are some of the reasons I've gone off TV...who irritates you on the small screen?? CALLEN

Words of Wisdom..." Its a crime in British rise above your station."

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