Sunday 26 September 2010

Lifes a personal journey of private thoughts

During quiet reflective moments when we find ourselves alone..maybe listening to a piece of music and having a glass of wine etc our thoughts can so easily drift off to another place. Maybe thinking about our lives... families....mistakes we've made and how different we would have handled things if we had the benefit of hindsight....we have both good and bad in every one of us..its a choice we have which we allow to surface in any given situation..strength of character help us decide which comes through.

We may think of lifes it a lost opportunity....a partner who betrayed our illness or death in the family or friend.....a stab in the back from a person you thought was a friend....that life hasnt turned out how you had hoped it would etc etc it can be painful to look back too deeply sometimes but hard not to do because the past has shaped us. I have suffered all the above and more that I wouldnt dare disclose but......I think the consistant thread through it all is that people not events are the biggest disappointment in life.

Lifes journey is a personal one along a bumpy winding road. along the way we will come across influences good and bad the secret is to distinguish between the two which isnt always easy because some carry the characteristics of fun....attractiveness...goodness etc but this shouldnt be a surprise because Chameleons are there to tempt us. We also at times seek guidence from others and again there are dangers to be aware seems in this crazy hectic fast moving modern world of ours we sometimes secretly need a figurehead or god which has become a weak crass thing to admit for many. but it is in our nature to seek leaders for we are fundamentally a herd like animal. because religion is on the decline in western society we drift toward false gods whom we relate to in different ways usually from the world media..people like music/movie icons etc etc I was reminded of the madness involved in such things a while ago when pop star Michael Jackson died. The mass hysteria and outpouring of emotions went far beyond the norm and was what you might expect from the passing of a Messiah..but than he resembled a Messiah to many people but to me hes a clear example of a false god and the vulnerabilty and need of some people.

We travel through lifes journey and inevitably make mistakes along the way..its a learning process. we need to be aware and recognise such times reflect on them. We hopfully will come to learn that this journey is one that can only be travelled alone. we seek warmth and comfort along the way from materialism... etc but life is lived inside our mind. its an intimate environment of thoughts..feelings..drives..instincts...physical experiences. At the end of the day material things are only props along the way they're not real. only other people are real yet we find it so difficult to connect with others with love...why? ha ha this sounds a little like a religious text but..I'm not religious at all. These private thoughts are spoken outloud in a searching way..we are all searching if we are honest..we must all have similar thoughts and questions that need to be answered..the ultimate goal is surely understanding..peace of mind...the yearning for contentment and self happiness. have you found a tranquil place in this thing called life? have your questions been answered? are you still searching?? yes life is a long windy bumpy road tis true...

PS. words of wisdom......" if a person does wrong things it dosent make them bad..just human! "

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