Sunday 28 February 2010

Dead music heros..interesting facts you may not want to know

We all have heroes people we look up to and aspire to be like etc... only trouble is we put them on pedistals but at the end of the day they're only human like us with flaws... they're just ordinary people with a talent and an exciting glamorous day job and the music industry is one of the most surreal corrupting there is. I have a few heroes amongst those below.......

JOHN LENNON....John was from a broken home his father was a wayward merchant seaman and spent most of his time away at sea and seemed to care little of his family. His mother suffered from depression and illness unable to cope with bringing up an unwanted child so dumped him onto his aunty. He grew up to be a cheeky arrogant youth with not much regard for women. became a teddy boy joined a skiffle group and signed up for art college as it was an easier option to work. later found fame with the Beatles who took the world by storm. in later years got heavily into drugs art social causes and wanted to be a working class hero almost embarrassed by his wealth. he financially supported many anti-establishment youth movements and was manipulated by many. he fell hopelessly in love with an older avante garde artist Yoko Ono who dominated his life and many argue helped to destroy the band. She became like a mother figure to him maybe making up for the loss of a relationship as a child with his own mother. she took over his entire life and business/music dealings while he retired to be a passive house husband. he died at the hands of a crazed fan who read subliminal messages in his song lyrics and waited for him outside his New york apartment in 1980 firstly asking john to sign his album cover and later in the evening shooting him dead in the back. he said god told him he must kill john lennon..john was 40 yrs old.

KURT COBAIN [nirvana] Kurt grew up in a working class family and was unremarkable at school. as a youth he drifted from one dead end job to another. he was musical and got involved in the local live band scene playing in various bands. he later found fame with his band Nirvana who re-invented rock with a mix of old rock/punk named grunge and they stormed the world turning a whole new generation onto rock music. he fell into enjoying the fruits of stardom with drugs women toys but quickly became disillusioned with the whole music business and the vacuum he found himself in. he withdrew into deep depressive bouts and cut himself off for weeks. he died from his own hand alone having shot himself with a shotgun blowing most of his face/head away. it was reported weeks before he had attempted suicide but failed.

MICHAEL HUTCHENCE [Inxs] Macho frontman with this Aussie band grew up in Australia with a normal family life. getting into music during his teens with various local bands playing bars for years before hitting it big time with Inxs. He liked the rock star lifestyle with its wild side and women/toys and of course drugs. he was quite a ladies man. Michael had a liking for danger and crossing lines..pushing limits and this spilled over in his social activities and sex life. In the bdsm/fetish circles the activity of Asphyxiaphilian or breath play is well known where limiting ones breath just beyond safe limits at the moment of orgasm increases the sensation. this is practiced more widely than believed both with a partner and alone with many discreet recorded deaths each year. [recently 'Kill Bill' actor David Carridine died from the same method] michael died alone in his hotel room hanging from a rope from a hook on his door. he had been practicing breath play alone while masturbating but it went horribly wrong. the press tried unsuccessfully to cover up his cause of death which was accidental.

ELVIS PRESLEY...Small town country boy who epitimised the image of a deeply religious mummys boy. when they go off the rails they are bad. Enjoyed drugs and junk food. enjoyed using his female fans in drunken orgies with his infamous body guards the Memphes Mafia. He admired old crooners like Frank Sinatra and Perry Como but disliked the new wave pop stars like the Beatles/Stones etc died on his toilet drunk/drugged up causeing him to vomit...was found in a pool of vomit with his trousers around his ankles.

BRIAN JONES [Rolling Stones] Brian was brought up in a conventional middle class household. an asthmatic and sensitive loner who girls liked and he made one pregnant while at school. In fame his sensitivity caused him problems and he turned to drink/drugs. liked perverse sex and he was a woman beater. its well documented how he beat up his girl friends and his enjoyment of being cruel in humor. He drowned or was murdered by his builder friend at his country home in the early hours while drugged up and drunk swimming in his pool. Earlier in the evening he suffered cramp while swimming and an asthma attack.

JIM MORRISON [The Doors] Jim was brought up in a military household in a very conventional way. An intelligent guy who loved verse and poetry. In fame he was a talented singer/song writer but with little self discipline sinking into the hardcore aspects of the rockstars lifestle. He ended up disillusioned and reckless. a smackhead who lived for the next fix. Died of an overdose of Heroin in his bath in Paris while his than girl friend lay in the next room also high on heroin.

COZY POWELL [session drummer with many famous rock bands including Rainbow etc] Cozy was a great drummer and a fun guy liked by all the bands he played in. Loved the toys that the lifestyle afforded him unfortunately one of them was to kill him. Died while driving with one hand his sports car on the M4 motorway in England while doing 95 mph and on his mobile phone to his wife...he was reportedly saying in a jokey way to his wife that he was doing 95 mph in 3rd gear overtaking and needed to get off the phone to change gear when...a tire burst causing him to career off the motorway crashing into fields killing him. they found him dead in the wreak of his car.

JIMI HENDRIX. Talented rock god who changed rock music in the late sixties. Ex GI in the American army and served in Vietnam. was very right wing and believed in the war and crushing communist rule so was against the youth movement of the time opposing the war. Played as a session guitarist in his home country without success and became famous in the uk. ended up a Smackhead and drunk. Died of a heroin overdose and vomiting.

SID VICIOUS [ Sex Pistols] immature type who Drifted into fame thanks to being in the right place at the right time. Hardly talented but fitted the image of the times when punk exploded onto the scene in 1976. enjoyed drunken drug sex binges and was proud to be a yob. Was a woman beater. Died by his own hand of a Heroin overdose while on remand in an American Prison awaiting trial for beating up and stabbing to death his American girl friend Nancy Spurgen in a hotel room.

JOHN BONHAN [Led Zeppelin] Renowned drummer and hellraiser. came from humble working class background in the midlands UK he liked to party and have fun. he was a mans man and liked being with the guys. had a shy nature when sober. Was an alcoholic and didnt know when to stop. Died on his own vomit while in a drunken stupor.

JOHN ENTWHISTLE [ The Who] founding member of this famous group. Genuinely nice quiet man who broke new ground with his unigue bass playing style. Liked living the high life but was irresponsible with money and women. Died in a motel room in the early hours while on a Who mini come back tour while high on cocaine/alcohol and having sex with several female hookers. he was 59.

KEITH MOON [ The Who] Life and soul drummer of the band who you couldnt miss. he was mr rock'n'roll with a zany persona. He set the measure for future rock madness with things like drunken/drugged parties/orgies..shooting up his house with a shotgun--trashing hotel rooms..driving cars into swimming pools etc he was an alcoholic/drug addict and a manic depressive and was certified as insane by one psychiatrist. He died of an accidental overdose of prescribed pills.

Other music stars deaths...

DENNIS WILSON [Beach boys] died while drunk and swimming by drowning. 39yrs
JERRY GARCIA [Grateful dead] he was diabetic and died of a heart attack while withdrawing from a heroin fix. 53 yrs
BON SCOTT [ac/dc] had an alcohol binge which killed him. 33 yrs
KEITH SELF [Yardbirds] was electricuted playing electric guitar while having a bath. 33 yrs
JANIS JOPLIN died of an heroin overdose combined with alcoholic hepititus. 27 yrs.
GRAM PARSONS [ the byrds] Its believed he died from a heart attack due to alcohol abuse. 50 yrs
MARVIN GAYE. Shot dead by his father during an argument. 45 yrs
OTIS REDDING. died in a plane crash.
KAREN CARPENTER. heart failure.
PETER HAM and TOM EVENS [badfinger] Both committed suicide by hanging at different times.
MARC BOLEN [T-rex] Died while a passenger in a mini car driven by his girlfriend who hit a tree and he was decapitated..
STEVE MARRIOT [small faces] after a night out drinking returned home and fell asleep smoking in bed which set the cottage on fire killing him.
FELIX PAPPALARDI [ mountain] band member and music producer of Cream was shot dead in the neck by his wife. 44 yrs

A few who should be dead because of their lifestyle and drug abuse......

KEEF RICHARDS [Rolling stones] Keef has past into legend for his abuses and life style. he epitimises the legend that is the rolling stones and the rock star life.

OZZY OSBOURNE [black Sabbath] Ozzy is the jokey cartoon character of rock. a lovable rogue with an addictive personality and not a clue when to stop.

STEVE TYLER [Aerosmith] drugs caused him to sink to the gutter literally its a wonder he came back.

I could list many more but this gives an indication of the dangers of musical fame CALLEN

PS. words of wisdom......Never trust someone with a perfect reputation.....they are inexperienced in life!


  1. Hendrix a Smack head? Hendrix, had taken nine of his girlfriends prescribed Vesperax sleeping pills. The normal medical dose was half a tablet, but Hendrix was unfamiliar with this very strong German brand. According to surgeon John Bannister, the doctor who initially attended to him, Hendrix had asphyxiated in his own vomit, mainly red wine which had filled his airways, as the autopsy was to show.
    Dont post shit

  2. It is well written in many journals that Hendrix was a heroin user and indeed during a period was a smackhead. his girlfriends confirmed this also. There are conflicting autopsy reports also and one states there were traces of heroin in his body although this wasnt the cause of death. I was generalising about his habits where as you are discribing his cause of death. I dont post shit as you chose to discribe it CALLEN
