Wednesday 3 February 2010

UK tv's 'Celebrity Big Brother' comes to an end

The recently finished 'Celebrity Big Brother' was in essence a let down as regard the quality of so called celebs. The programme makers had the opportunity to go out with a bang but instead they opted for shallow media personalities rather then popular celebs known by all. maybe they had a small budget for the last one? or lost interest and were busy scurrying around for new jobs? whatever it was..the finished product was pretty dire. maybe this signals the end of reality tv?

The 'Reality' genre was a big hit with the under 35s the past 10 yrs. I personally disliked the whole concept because it clashes with my pet hates of state/media control over the masses. ok it was an entertainment tv show with a humourous twist but there lies the danger ie you can introduce any theme hidden within a humourous text as its the easiest way for it to be widely accepted. Big Brother society is no laughing matter even on tv entertainment shows simply because it imploys imprisonment of ones life/thoughts and behaviour. Any major change in society is only accepted fully when you miss a generation. ie catch a virgin new generation so they grow up with the new changes and it becomes normal daily life to them and bingo! As the new young slowly take control of instituitions they automatically instugate those changes without much thought and people like myself who care about media and personal freedoms are simply marginalised and ignored [little like ex myspace users who have deserted to facebook] so...I think Big Brother tv entertainment shows like this are dangerous in inducing widespread acceptence of a totalitarian system. you may think that idea is laughable but study the facts! Having said all this I did enjoy aspects of the programme because I enjoy studying human 'types' and social/group behaviour. body language etc etc for this the programme was invalueable.

The 'Celebs' they chose this year were more anti-hero celebs rather then hero. you had people on there who were barely known. others who were there because they were 'ex's' of another celebrity [Dane-Alex-Irvana-Katia] heres my take on them......Vinny Jones. ex footballer and now hollywood movie star. I like the modern Vinny because hes mellowed into a likable rogue the past he seemed to wallow in his hardman thug image. lets face it he looks like a common east end thug. he has little to be proud of in his footballing career as he brought the game into disrepute on more than one occasion with his childish and thug behaviour. he played 'aggressive' football and thought nothing of playing dirty. off the pitch he was worse and was certainly no role model for kids who look up to football heroes. But his 'thug' looks worked for him in film and thanks to 3rd rate film wannabee directer Guy Ritchie who cast him in his crap east end villain pic "Lock Stock and Two smoking Barrels" . It worked out well for Vinny and Hollywood beckoned as he looked right for hardman parts. it made him rich/famous in circles this ex hod carrier could only dream of in the past. I believe he did BB because now his hollywood star is fading and film work is drying up. he obviously thought he would win BB and it would revitalise his flagging career. seeing the disappointment on his face at the end was cruelly entertaining.

Dane ex boyband singer and Katie Price boyfriend was the only ordinary one in the house who played himself with little pretensions. because of that he was liked by everyone including me. Alex current boyfriend of Katie Price was a little sickly but again likable because he was honest about himself. all brawn and little brain but you felt drawn to his apparent naivety. one can forgive the horrible fake tan and bloated body and even his liking for cross dressing. he was genuine and respectful. I think he makes a good partner for Chav Princess Katie...well suited. Irvana 60 yrs old is a little sickly with her pigeon english and super rich lifestyle. ex wife of similer sickly Donald Trump. what on earth was she doing in the house? I found it uncomfortable watching her endure messy tasks designed to humiliate and one has to give credit to her for wearing a fake smile throughout. she was highly amusing after a few drinks with her zany dancing.

Stephenie Beacham 62 yrs old was another odd choice for the house. Shes a past c-list star of regional theatre and known the past years for her classy bitch part in 'Dynasty' complete with padded shoulders and posh English accent. She never made a-list film star status although she acted with past greats. she came from a humble background born in Barnet north London she has adopted a posh upper class persona which suits her well. she freely admits she entered the house as a posh stuck up cow...good for her. she joined in with activities and was mother of the house. even younger housemates discreetly declared at 62 she still has a sexiness about her..I agree. Stephen Baldwin 43 yr old b-list american fim star was entertaining also with his zany mad preacher act. that was a big gamble as he risked being labelled a religious oddball but strangely housemates saw the funny side and warmed to him. Jonas [basshunter] came across as a naive mummys boy with his chilish sexual bad humour/farts and love fling with Katia. although after a while he became likable. Cisco was the token black guy who was genuinely likable also apart from his drunken attempts at attention seeking. I think many girls liked him for his cute plumped out bum.

Katia ex girlfriend of Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood aged 62 was another odd choice. she was there simply because she shared old Ronnies bed and split his marriage up. I guess she thought she could impress viewers by doing the same in the house by quickly jumping into Jonus's bed on screen? whatever it failed and she was villified there after and simply regarded as a 'player' and a mindless slut. she certainly lived up to the mindless part as she had very little of interest to say in conversations [maybe unfair editing?] Sov oh what a confused little girl she is. her mismatched street look was all wrong and her brattish tomboy persona just irritated viewers I think. she just acted like a confused thick spoiled little girl and as Stephenie declared she has no redeeming features at all. I have a feeling her whole appearence has lost her fans rather then gained them. Nikki.....cant think why she was there either? a proclaimed WAG and thick she had a vulnerabilty about her that caused most to just want to protect her. although 27 yrs old and a mother of a small child she acted more 13 than grown woman. she was just plain an ordinary nice girl which you couldnt help but liking etc etc.

Whatever you thought of tv's Celebrity Big Brother I guess it was entertaining in an odd sort of way. although the programme makers have said that audience numbers have fallen greatly over the last few years so it had to end I cant understand why they didnt finish ordinary BB and just do a once yearly Celebrity version? I guess you'll all have your own opinions on the last programme and it would be interesting to hear them? CALLEN

Words Of Wisdom......." Its your time now...just do it! Do you want to wake up one morning at 75 with regrets not doing what others warned you against? "

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