Wednesday 10 February 2010

Fashion is part conspracy

Oh dont you just sicken at the way the media and fashion industry try to brainwash us into doing their will. Those with a brain know that the fashion industry is a con and a conspiracy..its only purpose is to sell sell sell and make dig into our psychi and manipulate our insecurities/phobias etc they've got it down to a fine art these days.

No I'm not naive or an old fashioned spoilsport..I know the pluses in dressing nicely and looking wanting to attract the opporsite sex and wanting to feel good about yourself etc etc but to be patronised by an industry who treat everyone as ignorent and dictate what you 'must' wear to be cool or accepted by your peers is an insult....they have a lot to be responsable for in brainwashing young girls and causeing them deep phobias..I mean 'size zero' what was all that about!? to promote a fashion statement that underfed skelital bodies are good shows clearly how sick and corrupt the industry really is. all those young innocent girls of 7-13 who picked up on this and now suffer bulmenia. eating dis-orders and self body hatred..self harm etc etc thats the hidden side of the fashion industry.

The Fashion industry which is designed as a money making machine and not to free..enhance..make beautiful the people has now crossed over into body fashion which is a bit scarey to those in the know ie Tattoos have been promoted as 'cool' to mainstream females the past 10 yrs where as before they were limited to male servicemen/bikers/criminals or female performance artists or biker/rockchiks etc but now every chav type female dosent feel fashion conscious without the obligatory ink marking on her smooth skin. its become almost like a mark of acceptence to her peers. add to this white womens obsession with burning their skin by sunburn or tanning shops wanting to resemble negro. happily ignorent to the fact its dangerous to causeing healthy skin cells to turn cancerous and speeds up the skins ageing process.

The lastest body fashion accessery is highly poisonous and toxic yet females are quite happy to waive the risks and inject it into their bodys ie Botox. a chemical that paralyses nerves and reducing the crease or wrinkle effect on the skin. not enough research has been done on helpless animals to date to determine the long term effects of having this injected into your body women care? not at all as long as they look younger. than the Fashion industry brainwashes women into having plastic bags filled with liquid solutions into their chests to increase breast size and altering natural body shape. a godsend? it seems so. in my view its another form of slavery in that women are pondering to mens sexual demands. The list grows ie face lifts..bum liftys..liposuction..vaginal reshaping etc etc its become a multi-billion dollar industry created by the Fashion industry. Fashion is a form of slavery.

If all that isnt enough they are now trying it on with men! Oh the gaul and cheek of it! But surprise surprise! some weak willed shallow men have fallen for it. They are the flowers of the 'New Age man' campaign who pluck and wear make-up. are wearing girly styled and coloured clothes. they go for manicures [or in essex nail bars run by nail technicians..oh give me a break] they submit to girly waxes. which leads to my pet hate and rant! all you girly men out there who fall for this crap...being hairy is manly! Its natural and healthy..the women who are brainwashing your subconscious into waxing your hair are bi-sexual probably anyway and want you to look girly..Wake Up!

I am a caring sensitive loving hairy alpha male who is proud! strip off my shirt and you see a real natural man not some shallow plucked waxed sweet smelling girly excuse for a man..oh I hate the feminisation of men and how the conspiracy that is the fashion industry manages to con some people. CALLEN

PS. Words of wisdom... " The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort but.....where he stands during times of challenge + controversy "

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