Tuesday 23 February 2010

Media hypocrisy........Tiger Woods

I sat watching the tv news here in the UK the other evening and the news reader announced there was a special worldwide public address being broadcast later from Tiger Woods!...What!? I expected it to be some important announcement from the current 'surge' in Afghanistan..or about the recent assassination of the Hamas leader in Dubia..or about the recovering economy..or the charity relief efforts for the poor people of Haiti etc etc but no its so more important that it gets worldwide precedence and I hear in America they even interrupted tv programmes to show it. oh I sat on the edge of my seat waiting to hear something important and I'm faced with an idiot celeb golfer apologising for cheating on his wife!

Ok I am aware of world famous golfer and good morality icon Tiger Woods. I'm not a fan of golf in any of its forms for to me its the equivilent of watching paint dry. I do respect that its a sport enjoyed by millions and gives viewing pleasure. I hear Tigers pretty good at it too. But the cynical side of me views Tiger as just another overpaid sports personality living in a different world financially to ordinary 'real' folk like my good self. someone told me his worth over $100 million etc if thats true then to me thats a little immoral having so much when most struggle to pay bills..or put it another way soldiers who fight in wars risking their lives are paid a pittance in comparison anyhow...

so..this great worldwide announcement turns out to be a staged sincere apoligy for having affairs behind his wifes back huh. but isnt that what celebs do? of course I dont condone adultery anywhere because it undermines the stability of family life and society in general. every relationship has a foundation of trust..its the glue that keeps it together and we all desire a union based on trust dont we. sadly in the real world we are human and we have flaws so adultery does indeed happen across the globe but society has a duty to uphold morals and condem it..when a role model and goodguy iconic celeb like Tiger breaks those rules of marital trust he deserves to be publicly torn apart as an example to us ordinary mortals. it sort of sets a ceiling dosent it of what behavior is acceptable in public life..of what we look up to and admire in a public figure. Behind the scenes in his family it must have caused deep upset so a public apoligy like this caters to all parties and satisfies the lust for humiliation and revenge that some feel about cheating.

But....it strikes me theres hypocrisy going on here. The press/media are having a field day condemming this serial cheater and in another age would be stoning him to death but..theres hardly any mention of the women involved in this whole thing? ok they've come forward in droves to tell their stories for financial reward and they happily join in Tigers public condemnation. some sit in front of the tv cameras feigning that they were led astray and conned also thinking Tiger was in love with them and wanted to leave his wife etc etc while others didnt seem to care and knew cheating was a two-way affair. did these women stop to think this guys married and if found out it would devastate this guys wife and kids? that by jumping into bed with him they could wreak a marriage? I suspect many were gold diggers or thrill seekers who didnt care. they saw the bright lights of 'Fame' and the 'Dollar' signs flashing before their eyes and cared little for his families feelings or the trouble they might cause if found out. Lets place equal blame on all those involved here including the women who have displayed equal bad behaviour. many would call them Trailer Trash types which I think is a little unfair but they should not be lauded in the media either. To me such women are a disgrace also.

I dislike the whole celeb addiction thing going on today and the tacky drug induced lifestyles going behind the bright lights. To me these celebs are not heroes or types I want to adhere to in any way. they are just ordinary folk that have a particular talent and a glamorous day job little else. in real life certain women are going to be sexually attracted to such types because of their lifestyles and power. it should no surprise that young virile wealthy famous males like Tiger are going to be seduced by the glitch money drugs etc and beautiful women offering themselves sexually on a plate on a daily basis. Temptation creeps up on you and weakens your resolve plus many men are led by their dicks etc etc any women who dates/marrys a celeb should bare these things in mind. This may sound like I'm defending tigers behaviour but I'm not..I'm just stating reality. Lets give cheating Tiger room to prove he regrets cheating after his media apology....but lets not forget the shameful behavior of the devious women either! CALLEN

Words of wisdom........" Religion is the imprisonment of the mind"

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