Wednesday 10 February 2010

Dreams in a tin-can

Its strange sitting in the very thing that epitmises freedom for many sometimes causes you to be trapped and dreaming of real freedom. I found myself in that position today. crawling along at walking pace on the treadmill of life in a traffic jam from hell. roasting in the mid day sun in a tin can that is a mind wandering to other dreams also in the mid day sun.

An irony I had 'Rage against the Machine' playing on my hi-fi and it caused me to impulsively steer my mobile prison into a layby. I just walked away from it through a hedge into an ajoining field leaving the petrol fumes and noise behind. walking light headed I came upon a flowing stream and sat for a while beside it. you suddenly become aware of birdsong and jumping grass hoppers..a cool breeze blowing through the fluttering leaves of a nearby tree. two larks flying above in play resembling a WW2 dogfight. The trickle of water flowing in the stream over pebbles. This wasnt intrusive noise it was real life and calming

We need to get away from the mechanised hustle and bustle of modern life. like rats on a treadmill. stressed out and driven most of the time. gadgets clutter our lives and dont really make us happy maybe it will be a good thing to ditch the car and return to a calmer time of horses country life and close communities? Do you find yourself dreaming in a tin can? or maybe a beer can? Rebel against the machine for it surely rules our lives now and we are slaves to its madness.

next time your stuck in a traffic jam just take some time out and feel what I did just the other side of the hedge theres another world. Follow your natural instincts and re-discover the simple wholesome things of life that truely touch our senses..sometimes in this stress driven world where performance figures are king we can so easily lose touch with natural rhythms yet they are within easy reach of us all! CALLEN

PS. Words of wisdom....." To think of others before truely the sign of a good person "

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