Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Tweaking the American Dream

America Needs To Begin Dreaming Again – The American Dream and How To Restore it

In every recession or economic downturn, naturally, negativity prevails and our worries overcome our goals. The pressures of “right now” surpass the desires of our “dreams”. I, for one, am exhausted from the daily news reports about the current economic situation, the stock market, the stimulus, and worst of all – joblessness, as in this country we often define ourselves by our jobs. To believe that the American dream has become unreachable has become a logical, somewhat rational conclusion.

However, it is not true. We are a country that fought the bloodiest civil war in history, broke down the system of slavery and decades later elected the first black president, fought for the right to vote for all, and landed on the moon, among many other accomplishments. Life is circular, as are all of our situations; be it economically or even emotionally. I wanted to cite some possible ways of restoring the American Dream which seems so far deferred.

First and foremost, I want to credit the brilliant writer, Newsweek’s Fareed Zakaria, an American citizen from India, for bringing up this subject, and personalizing it. He writes, “The American dream for me, growing up in India in the 1970s, looked something like the opening credits of Dallas. The blockbuster TV series began with a kaleidoscope of big, brassy, sexy images — tracts of open land, shiny skyscrapers, fancy cars, cowboy businessmen and the very dreamy Victoria Principal. We watched bootlegged copies of the show, passed around on old Betamax cassettes. America (certainly the CBS soap-opera version of America) seemed dazzling and larger than life, especially set against the stagnant backdrop of India in the 1970s. Everyone I knew was fascinated by the U.S., whether they admitted it or not. Politicians who denounced the country by day would go home in the evenings and plot to send their kids to college in “the States.”

Of course, as the times progressed and we went to war, our heroes were assassinated, Watergate exposed a corrupt government, Zakaria understood that this American Dream is a little more complicated than meets the eye. But to his credit, not only did he never give up, he is one of the smartest, foremost writers and speakers in the media today. And so in his own way, he achieved that American Dream.

By now, you are familiar with the core issues as to why we are in the economic state of affairs we are in. What we ignore far too much is evolving globalization, and how, as Friedman cites, “The World if Flat”. In fact, the other day Tom Brokaw, an American patriot if I ever there was one, suggested that college graduates apply for jobs overseas!

While we are in fact a global world, America must grasp this, accept it, and figure out ways to excel in it; whether it is in education, trade, or foreign diplomacy, just to name a few key issues.

Let’s Dream Again

The first issue to tackle, and Zakaria makes this point as well, may be the toughest one. We need to downsize our lives. What is important to you? What happened to eating with the family at the dinner table? Now, it’s take-out or running to a restaurant for a quick, be it expensive, bite to eat.

We consume gas and buy luxury cars despite the damage this causes the environment, not to mention what it does to our global standing. It is time now, and I mean now, to make the cuts and edits in our lifestyles so that we can try to balance the deficit and the stimulus, to fix our personal and national budget, and get back on the rails to economic and spiritual recovery. Otherwise, the American Dream is nothing but that… a dream.

So, How? What Do We Do?

We invest in ourselves. Thomas Friedman and Fareed Zakaria have been arguing for years now that investing in start-ups (look at Facebook, Google, and Apple), is the way for us to grow. Let’s invest rather than consume. Let’s bet on ourselves. “Made in America” should not just be an economic goal, but it should be a stamp that represents true quality.

We need to invest in research and development in all fields. While this has to start by improving our education system, particularly in math and science, America – not China or India – should be discovering the drugs to eradicate diseases such as cancer.

This country should see itself as one big research lab where we not only come up with new medications, but new ways to live green, to get off of our addiction to foreign oil, and so many other ideas that American ingenuity has brought the world.

By investing in start-ups, we are investing in people. This is the key to getting back to “our America”.

The Government

If the Democrats and Republicans were my children, well, I would have to put them on a time-out. Enough campaigning and time to start legislating. Americans are losing faith in the very system we created – the democratic process that other countries admire. Let’s stop with the partisan politics and work to get things done.

Fareed Zakaria pointed out the following fact: “The term American Dream was coined during the Great Depression. The historian James Truslow Adams published The Epic of America in 1931, in an atmosphere of even greater despair than today’s. He wanted to call his book The American Dream, but his publishers objected. No one will pay $3.50 for a book about a “dream,” they said. Still, Adams used the phrase so often that it entered the lexicon. The American Dream, he said, was of “a better, richer and happier life for all our citizens of every rank, which is the greatest contribution we have made to the thought and welfare of the world. That dream or hope has been present from the start. Ever since we became an independent nation, each generation has seen an uprising of ordinary Americans to save the American Dream from the forces which appear to be overwhelming it.”

Well, I say we start dreaming again. We look at one another, we invest in one another, and we get the train running again. Complacency is the death of dreams, and too many people have become complacent. Help your friend find that job, or bail out a family member in danger of loosing their house.

Whatever you do, Fight Back! to keep the American Dream alive. [Fightback]

Words of Wisdom....."Realize we are all insignificant....And get your nose out of the air"

Monday, 25 October 2010

Autumn calls you to its bosom...do not deny its call!

Suddenly theres an autumn chill in the air and golden brown everywhere! I do love the changing seasons and autumn being one of my favorites. That first step out the door at 6am to greet an orangey sunrise illuminating a pale blue sky..no artist could make it more perfect. That sharp cold chill on your nose and steamy breath making you feel so alive. A smell of damp rotting vegitation and a smouldering bonfire from the night before stimulating your senses. Fallen leaves scatter beneath your feet marking your presence and hopping rabbits in the distance scouring for food along the sheltered hedge rows. Large black crows and larks tune up for the morning chorus that announces another new day with its own unique soundtrack. The whole landscape tones down and changes to a melancholy mood and strangely this effects us too...Its as if we batton down the hatches for the next 4 months and watch tv!

Dont crawl under a stone this winter force yourself out the door to experience this changing theatre of nature with its change of scenery in colors sounds smells and moods. Theres a strange enchanting beauty in its melancholy with trees stripped bare exposing their powerful wrinkly skinned limbs and a carpet of rich brown golden leaves crunching beneath your feet in the morning frost. The barren brown ploughed fields that gave up their rich harvest just a few months before and now lay bare to the elements. That seething chill in the air that penetrates to your very soul and makes the nerve endings on your skin feel so alert.

Suddenly along the hedge rows you stumble across a flash of color in this moody landscape..its a Holly bush with a flash of blood red and still green foliage like a rebel in the rough refusing to give into natures Autumn ravages...defiant in bold bright color. Suddenly theres a stirring amongst the trees and the Larks flee screaming from the tall trees warning of danger...your adrenaline causes you to stiffen! Probably one of natures shyest creatures are slowly creeping through the undergrowth ie a herd of Deer. Their watery fearful eyes darting in every direction as they tread forward in unknown ground. Smooth brightly colored fine fur coats that fashion houses envy glisten in the early morning sun. They pass by quietly with their young hugging their tails and you are reminded we share this Earth with beautiful creatures.

As we head for home on this brisk early morning walk we feel surprisingly exhausted but exhilarated inside. Our nose is runny and feet cold but they dont distract from a warm feeling inside. Hard to explain but its a feeling similar to when something suddenly inspires your thoughts out of the blue. Modern life shields us from our natural rhythms that are meant to be in tune with the nature around us. We cut ourselves off in cushioned environments with artificial heat and light that stifle our natural instincts. We are an animal and need to connect with our natural environment to know who we are. Do not hide away this Autumn/winter...get out there you will feel better for it! CALLEN

Words of Wisdom..... "Cut your own path....Only dead fish swim with the tide"

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

The price of Liberation + Freedom $7.500

It was just another every day event in downtown Afghanistan in 2010. Our brave Coalition forces were doing their brave duty for their country and helping to keep the free world free although I'm not quite sure what that means anymore? I sat in the comfort of my UK living room on a lazy Autumn afternoon watching my TV as events unfolded on just another day in some back water dusty village in Afghanistan. Some TV camera crew were following a Platoon of American Marines on their latest mission. Apparently some Afghan farmer familiar with the American routine of paying Yankee Dollars for any information regarding the Taliban told a local patrol that he saw the Taliban resting in a nearby village so....B-Platoon who were exhausted after a recent mission where they had lost a friend to an IED [improvised Explosive Device] were ordered to move in and investigate. There were the usual moans about not having enough rest time....that they'd only just got back from the previous mission..had lost a comrade etc all ignored by their commander who told them to get off their asses and make some kills as theres bad guys in that village yonder.

It was a blistering hot afternoon and the mood amongst the Platoon was sombre as they slowly paced forward across the dusty field at the north of the village. They knew the drill after countless other missions in this never ending game of cat + mouse with the enemy. Trouble was they can never distinguish the Taliban from the innocent locals because they all wore the same Tribal garb of flowing sack like gowns and cloth head dress. The guys in the Platoon all called them Ragheads and had little respect for their traditions. All they could think of was witnessing the bloody human remains of fellow Marines blown up by IED's over the past 6 months of tour duty. it made the most compassionate of men hardened and insensitive to human suffering. such ugly unthinkable scenes caused a trauma and weariness in war torn men and they knew it paid to be ready for immediate action..oh yes they were trigger happy because it kept you alive in this place.

They crept up to the perimeter of the village and ahead of them were a small group of children playing which was the norm. a few Afghan men having noticed the approaching soldiers scurried away in fear although this could so easily be mis-interpreted as suspicious to the untrained eye. a while later others rushed inside buildings slamming the door and covering windows. There was only one thing in the Marines minds as they broke cover and rushed forward in a group shouting out orders with guns at the ready and that is the report says there are Taliban here! Doors were kicked in and amongst the sudden chaos a few stun grenades were thrown into dwellings causing screams and shouts amongst the terrified locals. Shots were fired and no one really knew if it was from your fellow Marines or the enemy....tension..fear..mayhem..all the ingredients of this situation. It was almost a normal reaction that one Marine heard firing and thought it was coming from a nearby dwelling so fired a propelled grenade from his assault rifle through the window. A huge bang and it was all suddenly quiet.

Fifteen minutes later and it was alover. All buildings were declared cleared and safe. the locals had been rounded up in the centre of the compound and were being interrogated. some were sitting on the ground placid with their hands tied by plastic ties while mothers were crying and children shaking in fear. A few Afghan men were shouting in agitated tones and waving their arms around but as far as the Marines were concerned it was a successful mission with no casualties taken. The village elders managed to speak in broken English that they had been mistaken..that there were no Talban here at all..that they had mistakenly killed innocent people.

Then it all came to light...The two buildings where grenades had been fired into one of them contained a mother and her two children..they had been frightened and were afraid to come out of the building. The distraught father of that family was lead forward by an Elder and could barely stand up in his sobbing grief. The Marine Lieutenant was shown inside one of the buildings to find the scattered bloody bodies of two small children..one a little girl of around 10 in her ragged dress and a boy of 5 or so..in the corner lay the mother with her stomach ripped open and flies were already feasting on her warm blood in that damning heat. The Lieutenant barely showed any emotion as he scanned the scene...he'd seen it all before so many times and it was a consequence of war.

He ordered the medic to give the father some sedative to calm him down. through the village elder he tried to console him and explain as best he could that sadly mistakes happen in this war environment and his men were there to protect them and not harm them. The father looked up with a cold expression and dead eyes filled with tears...it was his wife..his son..his daughter. His life was destroyed in an instant and why?

It is standard procedure with the Marines that if such incidents occur then the commander of any Platoon are authorized to pay instant compensation to any innocent surviving victims of comflict and they carry an amount of money for this very purpose. The standard amount per life is $2,500 each....so the Marine private carefully counted out $7,500 and handed it to the almost lifeless father while explaining through the village elder that this was monetary compensation in order to help him get over his loss. shorty after this the Company departed from the village and headed back to base for some much needed rest time..they were relieved they had survived another day in this hot hell hole and upheld the flag of Freedom for these backward people. CALLEN

Words of Wisdom......"Great minds have always encountered violent opposition from.....mediocre minds"

Thursday, 30 September 2010

TV Celebs who get my goat in the UK [Humorous Rant]

TV persons that get my goat...

JONATHON ROSS This ego ponce isnt good at anything but you couldnt get away from him before the BBC booted him off. The reason was that he used to be on one of the new contracts that means he was paid ridiculous amounts of money and they used him as much as possible. He has a motor mouth and loves the sound of his own voice..which is surprising as he has a lisp. listen to his radio shows and music hardly gets a play he could talk for hours. on his chat shows hes dragged them down to a new low with his 6th form sense of humor which is embarrassingly childish and every other sentence is a sexual innuendo you can see some of his sophisticated guests cringe. hes just not good at them. he pops up presenting at award ceremonies where presentation skills and clarity of speech is vital yet he lisps and pronunciation is poor. He pops up on endless quiz shows and trys to take over. every time a camera catches him even if its in the street he has to be loud and the centre of attention. Smug..arrogant..loud..ego..everything the BBC didnt used to represent.

EAMON HOLMES used to be the housewives chubby pin-up a few years ago on daytime TV because of his easy manner and soft Irish tones. but now hes ballooned in size and lost his sense of timing. hes also become smug and developed a patronising manner that irritates. hes never seen now without a clip board that he reads from. he has a habit of looking off camera and looking totally disinterested with the subject matter he presents which is so unprofessional. Lacking in any type of humor he often slips in little condescending remarks when presenting and trys to be-little his partner Ruth Langsford. smug and miserable!

JEREMY CLARKSON used to be funny but now hes grown into a bigot. a scruffy middle aged man whos a loud mouthed ranter that still thinks hes 19..the sort of dad any kid would be embarrassed over. he talks over everyone and thinks only his opinion counts. a petrol head whos breathed in so many fumes the logical part of his brain has evaporated. he slags every world car manufacturer off yet forgets that Britain dosent own or make their own cars anymore and that his livihood depends on them. I've heard also that in reality hes a crap driver. He represents a dinosaur image of yesterdays aggressive macho chauvinistic hetro male with his bad hair cut and bad dress sense...faded denims and suit jackets...His presenting style relies on gimmickry and corny soundbites rather then concise motoring facts with a dose of adult humor..hes an embarrassment. Big mouth and Bigot.

GORDON RAMSEY we cant get away from fecking cookery shows..whats going on!? This glorified cook who acts likes hes on cocaine or Speed all the time makes me steam...watch him next time hes on he cant keep still. his craggy lined face that looks like its been grilled on gas mark 6 for 2 years is always sweaty. his mouth never stops rabbiting. he has made arrogance and swear words fashionable on his own. he smugly charms the ladies on camera and humiliates men when they're off guard. To me he epitomises an arse-hole and has helped dumb down television with his TV F-Word shows. He has been criticised for defamation of women in the past as well as cheating on his long suffering wife. His presenting style is to goad and be-little those he is supposed to be training just for the cringe effect. Bully and Chauvinist.

Davina McCall. Where on earth did this manic idiotic woman come from? Shes incapable of an intelligent normal consistent conversation without falling into a hissy fit like some deranged teenager. Her facial expressions during such fits are a cartoonists dream. Famous for presenting TVs reality show 'big Brother' where she struts and animates before the shaky hand held cameras she is the perfect training example of how 'not to present'. Whenever she appears on a TV screen I feel like being violent. Stupid and Manic

These above are some of the reasons I've gone off TV...who irritates you on the small screen?? CALLEN

Words of Wisdom..." Its a crime in British eyes....to rise above your station."

Silly thinking tee hee......

It may be wishful thinking on my part but I think natures got it wrong as regard humans being born as wee babies! we should be born old! Consider these advantages for a moment....... The average age of death in this country stands at around 75 because of our current diet and lifestyle so the chances are You are gonna die of heart attack/cancer/organ failure around that age so.......for arguments sake we should be born at 75.

There would be little difference as regards care..like a baby we'd still need looking after by mum/dad [they'll be younger than us] will need to wear a nappy as baby would due to incontinence. would need to be pushed around in a wheelchair instead of a pram/pushchair. would need to learn things again and be educated like a child as old age causes senile dementia. would have to be spoon fed etc etc so overall little difference in care at the beginning of life.

But the great advantages are......as we grow younger and learn lifes skills which takes time. along the way we will perfect our skills in every area and gain wisdom but this will combine with us being at our best physically too..what a great combination! that the mind will be at its best along with youthful good looks stamina enthusiasm sexual prowess energy.

with everything our brain has learned and our physical best we would be unstoppable!

Other advantages would be we would die as a baby and need less burial space. smaller young peoples homes [yap] at the end of our lives. less food as we would only need to be bottle fed with liquid foods. a few cheap plastic toys would amuse us etc etc less resources needed overall. there must be other advantages I've missed...can you think of any if this was possible??? CALLEN

Words of Wisdom..." Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow.....it only saps today of its joy "

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Political games

Here in the UK at the moment theres a media circus going on because one of our main Political parties are electing a new leader. 'New Labour' which lost the recent Election after governing for the past 13 years are suddenly out of Political fashion and bad news so...its the normal rush to clear out the old faces and re-invent themselves in the hope of attracting back the defecting voters. its all a Political PR game of course which happens every time a party is defeated but...worryingly the game usually works on the British public.

What makes the 2010 edition of the game more interesting is that the main two contenders for the leadership of the Labour party are in fact brothers ie
Edward and David Miliband. both middle class public school boys and opposites in character, David the older brother being very forth right and outgoing. A sharp mind and quietly confident with leadership qualities etc where as his younger Brother Edward is the quiet introvert one who has always stayed in his older brothers shadow in the past. always in the back ground working away quietly without a fuss. they couldnt be more different. Older brother David has been in the forefront of the last governments success having helped in the initial planing at their 1997 victory. Indeed he was tipped by the party and the media alike to be the next leader of the party.

Well surprise the leadership contest is over..voting is counted. The media whipped up a circus about it and it was truely a political soap being played out on our TV screens. Everyone could relate to two siblings scrapping it out in the media glare and everyone thought the more wise experienced older brother would triumph..it was already on the cards wasnt it..you could see on their faces the older brother supremely confident and the younger one almost shyly blushing at all the fuss being made in front of the cameras, Well another surprise the younger brother won by a slim margin of 1% and it was put down to Trade Union members backing. everyone was shocked at the outcome no more so then the younger brother winner himself..he looked almost embarrassed by the outcome.

Well no real surprise to Political watchers really ie you just got to sift through the facts behind the medias bright lights. Older brother David was a strong supporter of ex Prime Minister Tony Blair and publicly stated he wanted to carry on New Labours policies. what was he thinking? did he not notice that Tony Blair and New Labour were in fact bad news this year? People in their millions have realised the illegal wars in Irag/afghanistan were in fact illegal and wrong in the first place..that Labour got us into the biggest debt through bad management since the Second World War..that Labour has willingly allowed this country to develope a Big Brother police State..that their policies have made this world an unsafer place from attacks from terror-ism. On those issues alone which older brother David supported were enough to see him lose even though it was a slim margin.

Younger brother Edward did not support many of Labours far right wing policies including the illegal wars although he towed the party line at the time and kept quiet so the unions backed him. but...the important theme here is that its all a game. Its well written that todays Politics are governed by well established guidelines. ie to be sure of any victory these days you have got to ensure two things..one is be popular to the middle ground or mainstream voters which translates as middle of the road Politics without veering to left or right policies because the middle ground voters make up the biggest voting mass. secondly the same rule applies that you have to be media savvy and liked. The media success wins elections so again it has to be middle of the road. Its little surprise younger brother Edward is a good choice because hes a clean sheet and not much is known about him. what better way to invent a new start? The party can write whatever they wish onto that clean sheet where as his brothers support for old Blair policies was yesterdays news and even the party feared mass non support of the illegal wars/economy measures would turn voters away. They know Edward is the safer bet to attract old and new voters at the next Election.

Bad news is of course that Britain is stuck in the muddy middle ground for the forseeable future as thats the working model thats been moulded. I believe the 2-party system we have been stuck in the past 50s years is part of our problem in this country. we cant escape it and nowadays they are indeed both the same ie middle ground because they have to be to win. its a sham and isnt true Democracy when you weigh it all up. The last 'New Labour' government set the mould. The old Labour party with its Socialist aims were hijacked by the gang of 4 [Tony Blair-Gordon Brown-Peter Mandleson-Alastair Campbell] in the 1990s. They used the old Labour brand and re-invented a new 'Tory' party and used well proven American Election techniques to win the election. With a huge majority in the House of Commons at their election win in 1997 they could do what they liked and indeed totally ditched Socialist ideals in favor of 'Tory' policies which they most copied from the Conservative Party. We are in a Political mess in this country and theres no real Domcracy anymore..worse still joe public mostly dont see it! CALLEN

Words of Wisdom....." Ignore the warnings of past history....and you are doomed to repeat it."

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Lifes a personal journey of private thoughts

During quiet reflective moments when we find ourselves alone..maybe listening to a piece of music and having a glass of wine etc our thoughts can so easily drift off to another place. Maybe thinking about our lives... families....mistakes we've made and how different we would have handled things if we had the benefit of hindsight....we have both good and bad in every one of us..its a choice we have which we allow to surface in any given situation..strength of character help us decide which comes through.

We may think of lifes disappointments....be it a lost opportunity....a partner who betrayed our trust...an illness or death in the family or friend.....a stab in the back from a person you thought was a friend....that life hasnt turned out how you had hoped it would etc etc it can be painful to look back too deeply sometimes but hard not to do because the past has shaped us. I have suffered all the above and more that I wouldnt dare disclose but......I think the consistant thread through it all is that people not events are the biggest disappointment in life.

Lifes journey is a personal one along a bumpy winding road. along the way we will come across influences good and bad the secret is to distinguish between the two which isnt always easy because some carry the characteristics of fun....attractiveness...goodness etc but this shouldnt be a surprise because Chameleons are there to tempt us. We also at times seek guidence from others and again there are dangers to be aware of....it seems in this crazy hectic fast moving modern world of ours we sometimes secretly need a figurehead or god which has become a weak crass thing to admit for many. but it is in our nature to seek leaders for we are fundamentally a herd like animal. because religion is on the decline in western society we drift toward false gods whom we relate to in different ways usually from the world media..people like music/movie stars...politicians....fashion icons etc etc I was reminded of the madness involved in such things a while ago when pop star Michael Jackson died. The mass hysteria and outpouring of emotions went far beyond the norm and was what you might expect from the passing of a Messiah..but than he resembled a Messiah to many people but to me hes a clear example of a false god and the vulnerabilty and need of some people.

We travel through lifes journey and inevitably make mistakes along the way..its a learning process. we need to be aware and recognise such things..at times reflect on them. We hopfully will come to learn that this journey is one that can only be travelled alone. we seek warmth and comfort along the way from materialism... friends...lovers...family etc but life is lived inside our mind. its an intimate environment of thoughts..feelings..drives..instincts...physical experiences. At the end of the day material things are only props along the way they're not real. only other people are real yet we find it so difficult to connect with others with love...why? ha ha this sounds a little like a religious text but..I'm not religious at all. These private thoughts are spoken outloud in a searching way..we are all searching if we are honest..we must all have similar thoughts and questions that need to be answered..the ultimate goal is surely understanding..peace of mind...the yearning for contentment and self happiness. have you found a tranquil place in this thing called life? have your questions been answered? are you still searching?? yes life is a long windy bumpy road tis true...

PS. words of wisdom......" if a person does wrong things it dosent make them bad..just human! "

Life in a box

Sometimes life just boxes you in and you feel like your not in control of your destiny..I recall as a child my parents used to have fun at xmas times/birthdays by placeing my prezzy in umpteen boxes bigger than the important one..amused by my enthusiasm in openning them thinking the prize would be revealed. than theres that box in the corner of the room that we stare at and it influences our lives so much. we sit for hours every day just staring at that tv box ignoring real life around us.

its becoming a joke now at supermarkets because of over packageing and again just too many boxes to open. we are happy to sit in traffic jams in our metal box cars thinking it brings us freedom but in reality it usually isolates us further by boxing us in. we are willing to pay good money to be in vip boxes at football matches/theatre/conserts. if I want to thank my love I'll buy a box of chocolates.

If we get stressed by life things and go to see a shrink he'll use a common mind game ie imagine a big box in your mind. collect all your worries/troubles into a bundle and lower them into that box..seal the lid..place it in a flowing river and watch as it floats away further and further taking your stress with it. Given a form to fill in and told to tick the boxes. when life stresses you out you feel boxed in.

we live in box like small houses and chat on Facebook through another box that houses our pc. when we move house we go out searching for them to put our prized possessions in..we order a pizza in one when we get there..I ordered a cd boxed set recently [why a boxed set??] when I was stopped by police recently they produced a magic box of tricks to prove my id and if false would have put me in one at the station etc etc than we end our days on planet earth in a long one and are buried/burned in it. I'm probably having a bad day at the mo but...I'm so sick of boxes and of feeling boxed in tee hee CALLEN

Words of wisdom...." Failure teaches success"

Friday, 17 September 2010


It was one of those hazy sunshiney summer days that you see in the movies...your lazy and chilled out...the bees are feasting on the roadside flowery weeds and the larks up in the clear blue sky above are noisily engaging in dogfights...summer sounds. It was 1975 early afternoon and I was driving my brightly colored Hip VW Beetle along a green leafy English country lane here in Eastern England. I was in a good mood and feeling carefree with my car stereo pumping out the calming sounds of Crosby Stills Nash + Young. My faithful bug had a full cloth sunroof which was opened wide exposing a gaping expanse of rich blue sky into the car...the scented summer air gushed in as I cruised along at 45 mph making me feel quite heady..it felt good to be alive.

As I rounded a tree lined bend I saw her silhouette set against the contrast of the greenery...as I fast approached she came into view..a young pretty woman with wildly flowing natural blonde hair that seemed to reflect the sunlite...around 5' 6" tall and dressed in a white cheese cloth top with flowing sleeves and flowery hippy dress that just fitted the day perfectly. She wore a natural broad smile and had her arm outstretched into the road..she was hitch hiking! Instinct took over and I impulsively pulled over...."Where you headed" I called? she warmly smiled back and her eyes quickly scanned me up and down before answering..."I'm trying to get to the medievil village of Lavenham and would appreciate a lift" she replied in a soft West Coast American twang..."oh thats only 7 miles up the road..hop in" I returned.

She settled into her seat quickly with a relaxed air about her and a friendly warmth that allowed chat to flow so easily...it felt like we were old friends who had not seen one another a while. During conversations I noticed little things about her ie her thick blonde hair that framed her face so perfectly..she had a red ribbon entwined in one side of her parting like American Indian women did a century ago..it drew your gaze..her sun tanned skin on her face revealed little freckles around her upper cheeks..she had cute dimples appear with each dis-arming smile and full pouting lips that suggested intimate things. I caught her gaze during these quick fire exchanges while trying to concentrate on the winding road ahead..not easy because this girl/woman had me entranced...her eyes were so deep when they looked at you that you felt a gush of something...I felt alover the place.

During those 7 miles of English country lane she quickly spilled out her story..she was 17 and on holiday with her parents staying in a London hotel. Mom + Pop had planned to spend the day visiting all the London top tourist spots like Trafalgar Square..Buckingham Palace hoping to see the Queen...Hyde Park etc but she was bored and wanted to see first hand some of the places in England that she had read about in History books at high school in Los Angeles so...on impulse she told her parents and took off. She took a bus to the edge of London and hitch hiked her way the 70 miles to the English County of Suffolk. she was lucky she said as a truck driver was going a big chunk of the way and she ended up being dropped off in the Pretty market town of Sudbury...she was thrilled to find it was the home town of famous painter Thomas Gainsborough whom she had read about in school. so....having fed her interest there she set off on the last leg of her journey to Lavenham the historic town untouched by the passing of time.

Like old friends happily nattering away we almost didnt notice we had arrived...I pulled up outside Lavenhams impressive towering church..I gave her tips on where to look while there...she thanked me warmly as she opened the car door to depart forever...I nerviously blurted out I would be happy to hang around and be her tour guide if she wanted? I fully expected her to gratefully decline but..to my surprise she quirped "really...it wouldnt be too much trouble would it?..I'd love that" . I felt quite guilty as my heart missed a beat and a thrill came over me. Why was I feeling so damn silly!

We spent that hazy sunny afternoon strolling down history lane where the past was dripping from the overhanging wooden buildings and if you listened carefully you could hear the voices coming from the fabric of the buildings. I could see her eyes glaze over as she studied them carfully and we chatted about the things that had happened in this place over the centuries..about the people who used to stroll these cobbled streets tied up in their lives...how family generations contributed to the history of the area...so many voices with so many stories. We stopped off for English tea in an old wooden beamed building with pictures of old hanging from the rough plastered walls...pretty English linen table tops that was produced locally and from which Lavenham gained its riches in the past. A waitress bringing freshly baked crumpets with locally made rich jam and thick cream. I felt like I was in a romantic Somerset Maugham play sitting at that table in this traditional setting with my lover. The sun was cutting through the leaded window of this quaint English teashop and lighting up a section of her golden hair..it was a dreamlike image before me...her eyes were crystal clear as she studied me in detail and little half smiles emerged as she lifted her china teacup.

Later as I slowly drove home from that historic setting I felt a little empty inside. my head was buzzing with so many thoughts. A crazy afternoon where I had fallen in love with a complete stranger and now I was returning to my normal life and routines...left with a feeling inside and a warm memory in my head..a memory that has stayed with me over the past 35 years..its a place in my head thats nice to re-visit during melancholy moments and the passing of time has of course romantacised that chance meeting so long ago. I sometimes wonder what happened to that beautiful flowery 17 yr old Hippy girl of 1975? Shes probably a fat 52 yr old grandmother now living in some American backwater watching daytime TV soaps....Maybe her English trip is but a fading memory for her or she might even be dead.

I owe her a 'thanks' for giving me such an enduring lasting lovely memory all those years ago. But on that sunny afternoon way back in 1975 as I waved her goodbye outside that English teashop as she planned to stay the night in a local hotel she was gone forever. As I drove home alone leaving that Historic place in my rear view mirror I allowed myself a brief period of feeling good inside and a smile on my face but had to force myself to snap out of it that dream...I was late and my pregnant wife and young child was waiting for my return at home. CALLEN

Words of Wisdom....."Anyone who has never made mistakes in life has not tried anything new"

Friday, 20 August 2010

Marriage.....can it work or be happy in modern times?

Someone asked my views on marriage recently. They wondered if it was in the age of equality an outdated institution with old fashioned values and expectations? That the religious blessing and state licence in the form of a certificate wasnt worth bothering about as hardly anyone goes to church these days except for births deaths and a percentage of marriages That its meaning has been devalued beyond recognition in the shape of todays society, And does it matter anyway because just Living Together is the same. Plus there isnt any social stigma of not being married today as there still was 40 years ago. The big question can you be happily married?...............hmm its a difficult question to answer.

My thoughts on Marriage today............ In my youth I was anti-marriage and believed quite strongly that it belonged to a past era. but than youth knows everything they think and everyone else is wrong. Having matured and hopfully grown wise and fair minded in my prime years I think more deeply. I now believe in the security and contentment of marriage. we dont have any training for marriage apart from observing as children our parents relationship and depending on how good/bad that was its bound to shape our perceptions on getting married. we make mistakes like in any partnership its part of the learning process
but the important thing is to learn from them as we have emotions involved. Being humans we are not solitary creatures but have a deep need for a mate or group. we dream of meeting the perfect partner in adult life like a hand that fits the perfect glove but......only some of us are lucky enough to achieve that Its not a realistic view.

many view marriage as a fairy tale scenario and have unrealistic expectations but the reality is different. we need to treat marriage as an emotional working partnership with the important ingredients like tolerance, understanding, patience, trust as part of the mix. we need to adopt an adult view of life together plus the changes that people go through at certain ages because such things confuse us when they happen with a partner.we do change our perceptions with time and partners need to understand and adapt to those sometimes confusing changes in life.

we also need to learn to step back and deal with emotional upsets like an argument which so often ends up in a tit for tat war and scoring browny points. let your partner win sometimes even though you know you are right it will pay dividends later on in the relationship and respect is earned from such tactics. marriages that tend to last have one partner whos more submissive than the other in personality and can step back at important stages without suffering pain. Men find this difficult to do because of their macho role and silly male pride. in the past women were expected to take the submissive role as the man was the main bread winner and traditionally the head of the family as in Victorian times. equality and shared opportunities has upset that balance now men are confused to what their roles are? Traditional marriage cannot survive in an age of equality in my view unless the partners want it to be the same as their parents relationship and many do. But we can easily make changes to suit albeit in a contractsual sense to bring marriage up to date. equality can rest easily within marriage if agreements are set. I believe now that a marriage certificate and religious blessing is important psychologically because it causes a sense of security and worth to the partnership....its a framework to work by and more importantly for your children.....every child deserves that family security! To have no traditional religious bond or legal contract causes a diluted sense of purpose and flippant attitudes..often leading to walking out the door during heated arguments and maybe committing adultery...even in such circumstances modern law will back the deserter/adulterer and that cant be right.

it is unlikely you will ever meet the perfect partner in compatibility. of course love at first is blind and glosses over all the bumps and cracks.these will emerge later when the fairytale period is over [ honeymoon period can last years ] to find things that match ie personality...character...emotional needs...sexual needs and compatibility...social templates...views on interests,politics, bringing up children, religion etc etc all will rarely match as you would hope but...and its a BIG but...if you can find a way to compromise on many issues and still find contentment, peace, than really marriage in my view is the happiest state to be in on this planet.we need to learn how to be happy with another person.The old cliches come in here but they ring oh so true ie if you can be best friends and enjoy each others company than the chances are you will ride the rough patches that are bound to come....pull together and grow together through the changes than marriage is great! sadly its a lottery...we have to work for all those things and hope it works...we can never know or be sure...but its worth trying for in my view. CALLEN

PS. Words of wisdom... " Without love in your heart its little more than a ticking clock ticking..."

Saturday, 14 August 2010

In touch with your feminine side

The past number of years a new younger generation of journalists and producers trying to make a name for themselves in the media have flooded us with idiotic TV blurbs and tabloid type gimmicky headlines that has evolved into TV speak alongside text speak. you may think this is harmless and a bit of fun but its more serious as it seeps into everyday language thus diluting the useage of one of the best languages in the world...The English language. Our ancestors wouldnt understand us!

I am not a lover of gimmicky terms and a few which make me cringe are "I wanna swim with dolphins"....its said these fish are intelligent and can vocally communicate I wonder what they have to say about that? others I dislike..."I'm a member of the milehigh club" or "I dont do...." .."Dont go there..." etc etc but one that is so patronising it really gets my goat "Get in touch with your feminine side"..referring to men of course. I'll wager this was dreamnt up by some female tabloid journalist or womans magazine editor whos a full blown lesbian manhater [This is not meant to be derogative toward lesbians of which I'm very tolerant but I dislike manhaters who patronise or attack men in print]

Indeed that term is an insult to men generally. Its suggesting men do not possess the qualities of sensitivity..caring..loving..humility..gentleness..understanding of womens needs/flaws etc etc that only women are capable of having a more balanced nature..bollix! In reality we are all different some do..some dont regardless of sex. if you believe men arent in touch with their softer side [feminine is an insult] than you hold an old fashioned view of men from yesteryear suggesting all men are gruff..macho..insensitive grunting ape like creatures who think its romantic dragging their women folk by the hair to the cave. [yes I know there are some women who crave that type of treatment secretly] I am an alpha male hairy macho dominant as most/many men are on the surface but thats an image or body armour shown to mark territory to other males..underneath that hunter/gatherer skin is a protective caring sensitive articulate loving creature but its not shown on the surface.

I am left wondering if todays females who embrace 'Ladism' is an example of females getting in touch with their macho/man side? or is it an indication that large numbers of women secretly admire/want to be like men? women who subscribe to the Ladism culture havent a clue as they have mis-interpreted the meaning of being an alpha male..they display what they perceive to be male by being loud..arrogant..violent..binge drinking..swearing..puking in the streets etc you see large groups of women like this everywhere now in towns/cities out socially shameing themselves and throwing away the very thing that men love and respect women for...their feminity! My suggestion to any female gimmicky headline maker who likes to patronise and dump on mens great qualities is.....dream up a headline for the women who need to get back in touch with their own feminine side and stop apeing men who are bad examples! amen! CALLEN

Words of wisdom....."a winner never quits.....and a quitter never wins"

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Passing Ghosts....

I found myself visiting an area and places recently I hadnt been to in years. Passing through once familiar streets and cosy buildings that once were my regular haunts.

Names above shop front windows, A rusty street lamp, the local pub with fading pub sign. A bump in the road still there! A familiar face in the corner shop still following his daily routine year in year out. Much the same after a decade gone by. Happy reminders of another time...another life!

All these reminders acted as a trigger releasing a flood of half forgotten memories of a time gone by. I gave into this sudden rush of nostalgia for it was almost comforting to be reminded of what were good naive times.

I enter my old local for a drink. same victorian furnishings and highly polished bar pumps. Recognising a few locals much the same except for extra face lines. juke box still on the wall with some of the old tunes...I bathed it all in..this place...these people...the smells...the sounds..the feelings..are all imprinted in my brain. I close my eyes and 1997 is still so real!

I recall lost loves and absent friends some now dead. I can hear their voices coming from the walls and that oh so familiar laughter that used to warm my soul. Your instinct is to reach out and touch those memories..to hold onto them tightly before they fade away. almost like theres a yearning in your heart to be reunited with them like an old friend.

I have to force myself to snap out of this trance...I need to leave this place now quickly. Past experiences help shape what we are today but...they can be ghosts that haunt our soul! CALLEN

Words of Wisdom... " The road to excess leads to the path of Wisdom if you survive the journey "

I miss you my friend

I miss seeing you from across the room of a crowded bar.....and you walking by on a bustling street to the back drop of noisy traffic.

I miss the sound of your infectious laugh that happened often when you were around....that warm smile that used to disarm any barrier between us.

I miss that gentle sway of your bosoms when you walked by in your flowery summer dress....the sun shining on your long flowing hair in the summer breeze.

I miss your feminine gentleness that always brought me down to earth....the passing whiff of your perfume that caused me to feel quite heady every time we met.

I miss the way you make me feel inside even on the dullest of days...and how you remind me that life isnt complete without a woman.

I miss the little girl in you always lurking behind the woman....the way you could always wind me around your little finger but I didnt care.

I miss the deep ache of yearning inside you caused me yet you were never aware....it was a pain I bore in silence.

I miss my courage in wanting to tell you how I really felt inside about you...but my fear of rejection always tied my tongue.

I miss you my friend every time your not around....I miss the love I always imagined would be but fear I am alone in my thoughts.

I just miss you......

Words of Wisdom.... " Easiest thing in the world is to be you....the most difficult is to be what other people want you to be...dont let them put you in that position"

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Nobody listens to a voice in the wilderness!

Knowledge is only available to those that seek it! Sadly only a few take the trouble for they are content in their naive bubble of materialism and pretences..its almost like a virtual reality world and the 'real' important events dont concern them...wearing social blinkers and in denial is the easy way out for many.

Many use escapism like Religion thinking it is a great saviour and that utopia awaits them if they behave like good little sheep and remain in the flock. The very concept of any religion is good but inevitably its corrupted by greedy individuals and governments who use its banner to further their own cause...its ranks are filled with bigots and cowards..the naive and narrow..the foolish and the good. No scientific test can prove its worth yet the millions follow without question. in his day Jesus was just another voice in the wilderness who the masses mocked behind his back and he was labelled odd.

Many rally behind politics and political folk with painted smiles yet the concept of running any complex society/state especially a multicultural one inevitably involves dealing in half truths and deceptions in order for things to work. the country would grind to a standstill if the rules were followed to the letter. regardless of how pure the soul is on entry politics does corrupt those in its midst..hence you should never trust a politician. any capitalist economy depends on big business for its very survival and business quangos rule government policy..anyone who believes otherwise is naive. politicians are simply puppets to business captains.

I paint a glum picture but enlightenment brings a sense of freedom in my view and I have sympathy for those that opt out of conventional institutions like above to find their own path to forfillment in life. I relate to people who tremble with indignation at every injustice in this world as you are a comrade of mine. lets be realistic...lets do the impossible lets think for ourselves! I guess I'm still a hippy in spirit and thats good because it means I care! CALLEN

Words of Wisdom....."Ugliness is superior to beauty because it lasts"

Have you a vision?

Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers.

Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose Cool fashionable cloths that fake celebs wear and matching colour coded car that the neighbours will admire. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics.

Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning as you wander around warehouse sized stores. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth.

Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable oap home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life...

But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons.
Who needs reasons when you can see the misery of a normal standard 'mapped' life?

Words of Wisdom......"The young will always disagree with their elders...until they learn the ways of an elder"

Monday, 19 April 2010

Drugs are ruining society...[The ones the government want you to take]

Its official the government and other major parties have concluded we have a sick society [Broken Britain] with many parts of it breaking down in attitude, lack of respect, law and order, povety etc hence we have a CCTV on every street corner and a police surveillance society to contain it. They put the blame on a lot of those things on drug useage.....I would agree this is part of the over all cause as this country has a drug problem but I wont mention the lack of investment by past governments to replace lost traditional manufacturing industries and mining in this country and relying too much on 'The City's' money markets for future prosperity while leaving whole areas laid to waste jobs wise. One of our celebrated past female leaders Lady bloody Thatcher was especially zealous at breaking down traditional industries and stopping investments to replace them in communities...bless her cotton knickers.

Drugs are hugely to blame for the current behavioural breakdown that make our streets no-go areas at certain times and this is happening in every town/city in this country. The drugs are perfectly legal and government policy is to encourage people to indulge in them as they bring in mountains of cash in tax revenue. even government policy has been changed to make it easier to enjoy your drug fix by extending opening hours to 24 in every day. you can buy your drugs now in sweet shops, supermarkets on almost every street in the country. every social occasion or celebration isnt complete without including these drugs. mass production technigues and low taxation on the industries producing them means the prices of them are rock bottom so affordable to everyone. sounds like a junkie heaven huh?

The Society wrecking drugs are of course TOBACCO and ALCOHOL. The governments policy to create a European 'cafe' culture by extending opening hours and bringing drinking out onto the street has caused a Binge culture meaning large numbers of ordinary normally respectable people fall out of pubs/clubs in a drunken stupor most weekend nights inevitably causing social havoc and criminal damage with violence. Its not just yobs terrorisng council estates now but groups of drunks making town/city centres no go areas to ordinary decent folk. Many are afraid to go to town centres weekend evenings because of this and you'll see police CCTV entertainment programmes on our tv's weekly showing the mayhem. Alcohol abuse stretches our social services and the NHS to almost breaking point. With half a million smoking/drink related illnesses recorded every year. each year 114,000 die from tabacco related desease and 40.000 die from alcohol related illnesses.

Governments are always eager to blame illegal drugs for our ills but in reality the illegal drug problems are quite small. Heroin useage is an exception for its so addictive many users turn to crime to support their habits so theres a good case to link it to anti-social behavior. but a few are acceptable for recreational use if controlled. Many drugs should be de-criminalised in my view but NOT legalised including cannabis. The reason?....we live in an industrial contained society where rules and order are important for it to work. If it is to work you cant advocate every day drug use in the interests of safety and manufacturing production. even using a mild drug like cannabis would cause risk using industrial machinery and a persons drive/enthusiasm would be compromised..ie would you be happy having lorry/bus driver passing within feet of you and your family in a town centre when hes smoking cannabis?? or hospital technichions operating life saving machinery while high?? pilots flying aircraft??..no.. some people have addictive personalities also so it simply isnt fesable so it has to be controlled...de-criminalised but not legalised.

Its interesting to note the recent banning of synthetic chemical Mephedrone and the anger it caused with drug experts on the governments own appointed drug advisery panel causing many to leave. This chemical is 98% pure and like anything in life if used properly is reasonably safe....so unlike illegal street bought substances like Heroin/Cocaine/speed which is cut by street dealers with unknown additives to make it go further and increase profits. Many experts left the advisery panel arguing the government were dictating and even bullying them to write negative reports on Mephedrone when in fact they found no direct deaths caused by it. why have an expert advisery panel if they dont heed their expert advise? I say get them to test the harmful efforts of legal drugs like Tobacco/alcohol that would certainly be interesting. The experts accused the government of being two faced and only interested in appearing to be tough on drugs leading up to an election as it increases votes in middle England. You would think a government would be more concerned with allowing a 98% pure drug that is safe to be available to all rather then illegal often dangerous illegally bought drugs bought on the street but no...they're more concerned with criminalising users then their safety. pity they dont focus so much on real killers like Tobacco/alcohol rather then Mephedrone. It is of course a governments duty to protect the public against drug use but there are many layers to useage. thousands happily use illegal drugs every weekend socially without problems and live normal happy lives no amount of legislation or criminalising them will change that.

The government needs to change their current policies on legalised and illegal drug use to help cure the problems of our broken society in the social sense.lets bring normality to our streets again and get rid of the free for all thats happening now. Focus more on Tobacco/alcohol abuses that are marring our streets and not so much on the small in comparison synthetic chemicals the gutter press like to scream about without foundation

Here are the true statistics of drug deaths..the government would have you believe illegal drugs are the danger...dont be fooled!

Alcohol 40 ,000 deaths per year
Tabacco 114 ,000...
Solvents 47...
Ecstasy 40 [although the drug itself wont kill you, its related things like overheating-heart failure etc can]
Cocaine 100
Heroin 800
Cannabis 11
Mephedrone nil

Make up your own minds which the governments should be warning us against?? CALLEN

Words of Wisdom......"People too weak to follow their own dreams...will always find a way to discourage yours"

Monday, 29 March 2010

Holocaust reminders

I read a news report recently about the Holocaust in the 1940s orchestrated by the Nazi's and it never fails to make me shudder in disbelief. I am not shocked by the diversities of human nature and what humans are capable of in the right environment because atrocities committed in endless wars raging around the globe at any given time shows that but...the Holocaust was different simply because it was an orchestrated government policy to extingish a whole race of innocent people via industrial death factories. I mean that surely is a nitemare scenario isnt it. over the years I have watched the vivid black + white films of this event and read the witness statements of those poor souls who remarkably survived the camps...watched in horror the piles of corpses of men women and children scattered like debris in pits like a vision from Dantes Inferno. decent ordinary families rounded up like cattle and systematically starved and ill treated stripped of all human dignity or feeling...pain ...hurt...horror...terror...numbness...emptiness...despair. it still hurts me today to imagine such things that those innocent Jewish families suffered at the hands of a political party. how could such a thing ever happen? it couldnt have happened over night it had to be planned and built by many different people ie architects....builders..admin staff..railway employees...camp employees etc etc a joint effort by thousands of people in order for it to happen. repeatedly seeing/reading about these events has not de-sensitized my feelings about the whole thing.

I believe it is not only important to remember these events and pass it on to future generations...you've heard the verbal warnings like " remember and learn from the past...otherwise we're doomed to repeat it" which are wise words but we need to try and understand 'why' such a thing could happen? I find it hard to comprehend how a modern and cultural people/country like 1930s/40s Germany could ever get involved in such a thing? They were not dis-similar to us having normal schooling and upbringing. an ordered religious society and a rich history of culture and understanding. The family unit was important in pre-war German society like every where else. so how could an obscure political party rise from nothing and twist humanity in such a short period of time? should we view the whole process as a warning that it could also happen to us anytime in the future? I mean we're talking about human psyche here so such a thing is possible any where/time given the right circumstances isnt it? such thoughts arent easy to comprehend and we tend to shun them..but we must face such issues.

I am aware that the 1920s/30s/40s German situation was complex but fundamentally its based on social and environmental fixtures that are in place everywhere. we had a destroyed country and economy after the first world war in Germany. worn out and humiliated people were left behind by the world in 1919. The penalities imposed by the victorious European forces on Germany for engaging in war were indeed harsh and many German citizens felt bitter about how they were treated. The hardships were real too with no employment and food shortages..povety...restricted industrial development..lost hope etc and a bleak future. such conditions just add to a public feeling of bitterness toward the nations who defeated them. its important for victorious forces to settle the ground after any conflict and ensure that justice and social care/development are in place so that people can accept their defeat and move on...I dont think that happened in Germany in 1919 onwards. Also many returning German military troops didnt feel defeated at the end of the first world war..they felt they could have still won. They just added to the feelings of public unrest during that period because they felt they had been cheated..the sacrifices they made in their millions of lost lives was for nothing.

1920s Germany was a lost country with no soul. Communist parties grew up and caused civil unrest in the streets. crime levels rose and social decay continued. people felt the political leaders of the time were detached and out of touch. a country screaming out for change and leadership...a new direction that would improve ordinary peoples lives and bring back law and order....jobs....decency. people feared Communism was taking over and that neighbouring Russia was infiltrating the countries government etc etc it was a tinder box waiting to ignite. This whole scenario isnt that dis-similar to modern day Britain today with its almost bankrupt economy...corruption in the banks and political ranks..break down of law and order in our city areas etc. and threats from Islamic militants.

Enter this German scenario a charismatic enthusiastic public speaker who slowly gains quite a following amongst ordinary working folk who like his visions of a new Germany with respect back on the streets...work for all and food a plenty in the shops. To rid the streets of communist demonstrations and riots...to bring back law and order again so children can play safely on the streets...to bring back a sense of national pride and dignity for the country..to feel good about being German again etc obviously such a man with an increasing public following is going to gain attention from the media and the intelligentsia. after a while he just cant be ignored as his party gains numbers and momentum..he promises the things that people desperately need and his words ring true with many from all walks of life. Things appear increasingly desperate politically and civil unrest is growing. eventually the thoughts are can the National socialists be any worse then the current government? or the Communists who are gathering influence? why not give them a chance? so....circumstances and fears..public pressure caused a fluke that gave the Nazi's power! The rest is history.

The Nazi's once holding the reins of power lost no time in using the full weight of the media propaganda machine. They knew that forming a common cause based on current fears would unite the ordinary people behind them. stimulate peoples bias and prejudices against something would mould thoughts even further and sadly this common cause and common prejudice was the Jewish people [it still exists widely today in many counties] Hitlers manic Mein Kampf book outlined his vision on the Jewish people for their involvement for the worlds ills. fixate such thoughts stealthly into peoples thoughts over a period of time and slowly instigate laws against the common foe whos to blame for our countries woes and bingo..its the start of something awful. day after day of media propaganda and its not long before people do think a race of people are out of place in their society. Today our media are starting to unfairly do a similar thing to immigrants. with the state of mind being fostered in 1920s Germany it was only a matter of time before things changed for the worst. history tells us it did ie suspension of democracy [ironic when democracy brought the Nazi's to power] civil rights restricted..internment without trial or charge..religious views curtailed..strict media censorship..anti-terror laws that enabled human rights to be swept aside etc etc such measures are not restricted to one country or time period they can evolve any where.

The profound message or warning from the whole Nazi period echoes across the decades to me. Given the right circumstances or political climate...media stimulation of outside threats to our way of lives can produce similar vibrations..we have to be on guard and realise that facists do not always wear swastikas and do the goose step. That facist political parties can easily manipulate the present democratic system to further their aims and stimulate media attention..its easy. The 'New World Order' created by George Bushs administration has succesfully invented a climate of fear across the world and tells us that the world wide Islamic militant threat to our way of life are the new Nazis..but are they? I recognise elements of facism in the 'New World Order'. we each have to make our own minds up on who are the good guys today? it isnt easy. I dont want to see concentration camps set up again or for a race of people to be victimised. Here in the UK we have a racist political party who are increasing their power and positions in government [BNP] do we really want to elect a racist party in this country? lets all look back to the Nazis and learn from them...realise that a simple political process can lead to horror if not checked. CALLEN

Words of wisdom......" Good people are good because they come to wisdom through failure....we get very little wisdom from success alone"

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Wear your uniform with pride.......I dislike uniforms

When ordinary human beings from any class or level of intelligence put on a uniform it changes them.......usually not in a good way. Uniforms are used to denote a persons position/role in a given environment. They do serve an important purpose in some things where people in charge or in helpful positions need to stand out. They give you a false identity or a skin of instant respectability

Work requires a uniform be it office factory retail utility services essential services etc etc a corporate identity although in many instances its more ritual humiliation to wear one as it wipes out your individualism. years ago your class was identifiable by the uniform style of hat/cap you wore. nowadays its crossed over to the type of car you drive, your social tastes/activities can be identified by your uniformed fashion style, way you speak etc uniformity is our identity. its a form of social stereo-typing the state forces you into and it reinforces 'class' types in this country.

Put a uniform on even the mildest of character and it changes them. its almost like the real person hides behind a character in a play. It adds false confidence......assertiveness....a feeling of being special in the crowd. it causes you to carry out certain acts you wouldnt normally do because the uniform gives you the authority and the issuer takes the responsibilty from you. they cause a hardened attitude. people hide themselves behind it. some people in uniform kill others and feel no guilt because the uniform takes the responsibilty away from the wearer.

Military styled police uniforms that intimidate.....biker gangs.....traffic wardens............soldiers......council estate Chavs.....followers of fashion....etc etc we cant escape it. maybe the only way out is to become a naturist!? but if I walk around nude in the street a uniform will arrest me..another will lock me up in a cell..another will treat me in mental hospital....is there no escape from uniformity? I dislike uniforms!

PS. words of wisdom......" Doing your best is more important than being the best "

Thursday, 4 March 2010

My Mistress......tee hee

It is almost taboo in this country to even hint of having one. Yet in countries such as France/Italy it is almost humoriously expected. To have a mistress as an emotional backup or bolthole when lifes pressures just become too much or your wife/girlfriend just doesnt understand you!

Oh to be able to get away from the constant nagging and overdue bills, dis-satisfaction with work or life in general, or when you get tired of the same boring routines and social scenery. A refuge when vulnerability knocks at your door and you feel oh so alone in life etc my mistress is essential to my personal sense of well-being so is she so wrong!?

Some will condem me outright without appeal or understanding, others will sympathise yet not admit it to anyone. Many will be in the same position and thankful to have this release etc I personally want to pay tribute to her here.....

Oh Mistress 'Rock' you've been a friend for oh so long......Thank you for the music! CALLEN

PS. Words of wisdom..." Life is like a shit sandwich....The more 'bread' you have the less shit you taste!"

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Dead music heros..interesting facts you may not want to know

We all have heroes people we look up to and aspire to be like etc... only trouble is we put them on pedistals but at the end of the day they're only human like us with flaws... they're just ordinary people with a talent and an exciting glamorous day job and the music industry is one of the most surreal corrupting there is. I have a few heroes amongst those below.......

JOHN LENNON....John was from a broken home his father was a wayward merchant seaman and spent most of his time away at sea and seemed to care little of his family. His mother suffered from depression and illness unable to cope with bringing up an unwanted child so dumped him onto his aunty. He grew up to be a cheeky arrogant youth with not much regard for women. became a teddy boy joined a skiffle group and signed up for art college as it was an easier option to work. later found fame with the Beatles who took the world by storm. in later years got heavily into drugs art social causes and wanted to be a working class hero almost embarrassed by his wealth. he financially supported many anti-establishment youth movements and was manipulated by many. he fell hopelessly in love with an older avante garde artist Yoko Ono who dominated his life and many argue helped to destroy the band. She became like a mother figure to him maybe making up for the loss of a relationship as a child with his own mother. she took over his entire life and business/music dealings while he retired to be a passive house husband. he died at the hands of a crazed fan who read subliminal messages in his song lyrics and waited for him outside his New york apartment in 1980 firstly asking john to sign his album cover and later in the evening shooting him dead in the back. he said god told him he must kill john lennon..john was 40 yrs old.

KURT COBAIN [nirvana] Kurt grew up in a working class family and was unremarkable at school. as a youth he drifted from one dead end job to another. he was musical and got involved in the local live band scene playing in various bands. he later found fame with his band Nirvana who re-invented rock with a mix of old rock/punk named grunge and they stormed the world turning a whole new generation onto rock music. he fell into enjoying the fruits of stardom with drugs women toys but quickly became disillusioned with the whole music business and the vacuum he found himself in. he withdrew into deep depressive bouts and cut himself off for weeks. he died from his own hand alone having shot himself with a shotgun blowing most of his face/head away. it was reported weeks before he had attempted suicide but failed.

MICHAEL HUTCHENCE [Inxs] Macho frontman with this Aussie band grew up in Australia with a normal family life. getting into music during his teens with various local bands playing bars for years before hitting it big time with Inxs. He liked the rock star lifestyle with its wild side and women/toys and of course drugs. he was quite a ladies man. Michael had a liking for danger and crossing lines..pushing limits and this spilled over in his social activities and sex life. In the bdsm/fetish circles the activity of Asphyxiaphilian or breath play is well known where limiting ones breath just beyond safe limits at the moment of orgasm increases the sensation. this is practiced more widely than believed both with a partner and alone with many discreet recorded deaths each year. [recently 'Kill Bill' actor David Carridine died from the same method] michael died alone in his hotel room hanging from a rope from a hook on his door. he had been practicing breath play alone while masturbating but it went horribly wrong. the press tried unsuccessfully to cover up his cause of death which was accidental.

ELVIS PRESLEY...Small town country boy who epitimised the image of a deeply religious mummys boy. when they go off the rails they are bad. Enjoyed drugs and junk food. enjoyed using his female fans in drunken orgies with his infamous body guards the Memphes Mafia. He admired old crooners like Frank Sinatra and Perry Como but disliked the new wave pop stars like the Beatles/Stones etc died on his toilet drunk/drugged up causeing him to vomit...was found in a pool of vomit with his trousers around his ankles.

BRIAN JONES [Rolling Stones] Brian was brought up in a conventional middle class household. an asthmatic and sensitive loner who girls liked and he made one pregnant while at school. In fame his sensitivity caused him problems and he turned to drink/drugs. liked perverse sex and he was a woman beater. its well documented how he beat up his girl friends and his enjoyment of being cruel in humor. He drowned or was murdered by his builder friend at his country home in the early hours while drugged up and drunk swimming in his pool. Earlier in the evening he suffered cramp while swimming and an asthma attack.

JIM MORRISON [The Doors] Jim was brought up in a military household in a very conventional way. An intelligent guy who loved verse and poetry. In fame he was a talented singer/song writer but with little self discipline sinking into the hardcore aspects of the rockstars lifestle. He ended up disillusioned and reckless. a smackhead who lived for the next fix. Died of an overdose of Heroin in his bath in Paris while his than girl friend lay in the next room also high on heroin.

COZY POWELL [session drummer with many famous rock bands including Rainbow etc] Cozy was a great drummer and a fun guy liked by all the bands he played in. Loved the toys that the lifestyle afforded him unfortunately one of them was to kill him. Died while driving with one hand his sports car on the M4 motorway in England while doing 95 mph and on his mobile phone to his wife...he was reportedly saying in a jokey way to his wife that he was doing 95 mph in 3rd gear overtaking and needed to get off the phone to change gear when...a tire burst causing him to career off the motorway crashing into fields killing him. they found him dead in the wreak of his car.

JIMI HENDRIX. Talented rock god who changed rock music in the late sixties. Ex GI in the American army and served in Vietnam. was very right wing and believed in the war and crushing communist rule so was against the youth movement of the time opposing the war. Played as a session guitarist in his home country without success and became famous in the uk. ended up a Smackhead and drunk. Died of a heroin overdose and vomiting.

SID VICIOUS [ Sex Pistols] immature type who Drifted into fame thanks to being in the right place at the right time. Hardly talented but fitted the image of the times when punk exploded onto the scene in 1976. enjoyed drunken drug sex binges and was proud to be a yob. Was a woman beater. Died by his own hand of a Heroin overdose while on remand in an American Prison awaiting trial for beating up and stabbing to death his American girl friend Nancy Spurgen in a hotel room.

JOHN BONHAN [Led Zeppelin] Renowned drummer and hellraiser. came from humble working class background in the midlands UK he liked to party and have fun. he was a mans man and liked being with the guys. had a shy nature when sober. Was an alcoholic and didnt know when to stop. Died on his own vomit while in a drunken stupor.

JOHN ENTWHISTLE [ The Who] founding member of this famous group. Genuinely nice quiet man who broke new ground with his unigue bass playing style. Liked living the high life but was irresponsible with money and women. Died in a motel room in the early hours while on a Who mini come back tour while high on cocaine/alcohol and having sex with several female hookers. he was 59.

KEITH MOON [ The Who] Life and soul drummer of the band who you couldnt miss. he was mr rock'n'roll with a zany persona. He set the measure for future rock madness with things like drunken/drugged parties/orgies..shooting up his house with a shotgun--trashing hotel rooms..driving cars into swimming pools etc he was an alcoholic/drug addict and a manic depressive and was certified as insane by one psychiatrist. He died of an accidental overdose of prescribed pills.

Other music stars deaths...

DENNIS WILSON [Beach boys] died while drunk and swimming by drowning. 39yrs
JERRY GARCIA [Grateful dead] he was diabetic and died of a heart attack while withdrawing from a heroin fix. 53 yrs
BON SCOTT [ac/dc] had an alcohol binge which killed him. 33 yrs
KEITH SELF [Yardbirds] was electricuted playing electric guitar while having a bath. 33 yrs
JANIS JOPLIN died of an heroin overdose combined with alcoholic hepititus. 27 yrs.
GRAM PARSONS [ the byrds] Its believed he died from a heart attack due to alcohol abuse. 50 yrs
MARVIN GAYE. Shot dead by his father during an argument. 45 yrs
OTIS REDDING. died in a plane crash.
KAREN CARPENTER. heart failure.
PETER HAM and TOM EVENS [badfinger] Both committed suicide by hanging at different times.
MARC BOLEN [T-rex] Died while a passenger in a mini car driven by his girlfriend who hit a tree and he was decapitated..
STEVE MARRIOT [small faces] after a night out drinking returned home and fell asleep smoking in bed which set the cottage on fire killing him.
FELIX PAPPALARDI [ mountain] band member and music producer of Cream was shot dead in the neck by his wife. 44 yrs

A few who should be dead because of their lifestyle and drug abuse......

KEEF RICHARDS [Rolling stones] Keef has past into legend for his abuses and life style. he epitimises the legend that is the rolling stones and the rock star life.

OZZY OSBOURNE [black Sabbath] Ozzy is the jokey cartoon character of rock. a lovable rogue with an addictive personality and not a clue when to stop.

STEVE TYLER [Aerosmith] drugs caused him to sink to the gutter literally its a wonder he came back.

I could list many more but this gives an indication of the dangers of musical fame CALLEN

PS. words of wisdom......Never trust someone with a perfect reputation.....they are inexperienced in life!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Media hypocrisy........Tiger Woods

I sat watching the tv news here in the UK the other evening and the news reader announced there was a special worldwide public address being broadcast later from Tiger Woods!...What!? I expected it to be some important announcement from the current 'surge' in Afghanistan..or about the recent assassination of the Hamas leader in Dubia..or about the recovering economy..or the charity relief efforts for the poor people of Haiti etc etc but no its so more important that it gets worldwide precedence and I hear in America they even interrupted tv programmes to show it. oh I sat on the edge of my seat waiting to hear something important and I'm faced with an idiot celeb golfer apologising for cheating on his wife!

Ok I am aware of world famous golfer and good morality icon Tiger Woods. I'm not a fan of golf in any of its forms for to me its the equivilent of watching paint dry. I do respect that its a sport enjoyed by millions and gives viewing pleasure. I hear Tigers pretty good at it too. But the cynical side of me views Tiger as just another overpaid sports personality living in a different world financially to ordinary 'real' folk like my good self. someone told me his worth over $100 million etc if thats true then to me thats a little immoral having so much when most struggle to pay bills..or put it another way soldiers who fight in wars risking their lives are paid a pittance in comparison anyhow...

so..this great worldwide announcement turns out to be a staged sincere apoligy for having affairs behind his wifes back huh. but isnt that what celebs do? of course I dont condone adultery anywhere because it undermines the stability of family life and society in general. every relationship has a foundation of trust..its the glue that keeps it together and we all desire a union based on trust dont we. sadly in the real world we are human and we have flaws so adultery does indeed happen across the globe but society has a duty to uphold morals and condem it..when a role model and goodguy iconic celeb like Tiger breaks those rules of marital trust he deserves to be publicly torn apart as an example to us ordinary mortals. it sort of sets a ceiling dosent it of what behavior is acceptable in public life..of what we look up to and admire in a public figure. Behind the scenes in his family it must have caused deep upset so a public apoligy like this caters to all parties and satisfies the lust for humiliation and revenge that some feel about cheating.

But....it strikes me theres hypocrisy going on here. The press/media are having a field day condemming this serial cheater and in another age would be stoning him to death but..theres hardly any mention of the women involved in this whole thing? ok they've come forward in droves to tell their stories for financial reward and they happily join in Tigers public condemnation. some sit in front of the tv cameras feigning that they were led astray and conned also thinking Tiger was in love with them and wanted to leave his wife etc etc while others didnt seem to care and knew cheating was a two-way affair. did these women stop to think this guys married and if found out it would devastate this guys wife and kids? that by jumping into bed with him they could wreak a marriage? I suspect many were gold diggers or thrill seekers who didnt care. they saw the bright lights of 'Fame' and the 'Dollar' signs flashing before their eyes and cared little for his families feelings or the trouble they might cause if found out. Lets place equal blame on all those involved here including the women who have displayed equal bad behaviour. many would call them Trailer Trash types which I think is a little unfair but they should not be lauded in the media either. To me such women are a disgrace also.

I dislike the whole celeb addiction thing going on today and the tacky drug induced lifestyles going behind the bright lights. To me these celebs are not heroes or types I want to adhere to in any way. they are just ordinary folk that have a particular talent and a glamorous day job little else. in real life certain women are going to be sexually attracted to such types because of their lifestyles and power. it should no surprise that young virile wealthy famous males like Tiger are going to be seduced by the glitch money drugs etc and beautiful women offering themselves sexually on a plate on a daily basis. Temptation creeps up on you and weakens your resolve plus many men are led by their dicks etc etc any women who dates/marrys a celeb should bare these things in mind. This may sound like I'm defending tigers behaviour but I'm not..I'm just stating reality. Lets give cheating Tiger room to prove he regrets cheating after his media apology....but lets not forget the shameful behavior of the devious women either! CALLEN

Words of wisdom........" Religion is the imprisonment of the mind"

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

If only you had taken the time.....

You might have loved me had you known me
if you had ever known my mind. if you
would have walked through my dreams + memories
who knows what treasures you might have found
yes..you might have loved me if you had known me
if you had only taken the time!

but you were just too busy doing your thing
busy chores + opening closed doors fed your day
you should have been aware + paused a while
listened carefully + caught the passing whispers in the wind
cherished thoughts were left unopened like flowers
passing by in a gently flowing stream of unrealised dreams

But in lifes autumn time there should be few regrets
of adventures wished for but never met for
some dreams were never meant to be real
they were merely there to entertain our thoughts
yearned for passions fire the soul tis true
could have been realised if you had only taken
the time to know my mind + discover what was hidden
you might have loved me...if only you had taken the time!

PS. Words of wisdom......." When you have expectations of people...you will be disappointed "

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Dreams in a tin-can

Its strange sitting in the very thing that epitmises freedom for many sometimes causes you to be trapped and dreaming of real freedom. I found myself in that position today. crawling along at walking pace on the treadmill of life in a traffic jam from hell. roasting in the mid day sun in a tin can that is a car..my mind wandering to other dreams also in the mid day sun.

An irony I had 'Rage against the Machine' playing on my hi-fi and it caused me to impulsively steer my mobile prison into a layby. I just walked away from it through a hedge into an ajoining field leaving the petrol fumes and noise behind. walking light headed I came upon a flowing stream and sat for a while beside it. you suddenly become aware of birdsong and jumping grass hoppers..a cool breeze blowing through the fluttering leaves of a nearby tree. two larks flying above in play resembling a WW2 dogfight. The trickle of water flowing in the stream over pebbles. This wasnt intrusive noise it was real life and calming

We need to get away from the mechanised hustle and bustle of modern life. like rats on a treadmill. stressed out and driven most of the time. gadgets clutter our lives and dont really make us happy maybe it will be a good thing to ditch the car and return to a calmer time of horses country life and close communities? Do you find yourself dreaming in a tin can? or maybe a beer can? Rebel against the machine for it surely rules our lives now and we are slaves to its madness.

next time your stuck in a traffic jam just take some time out and feel what I did just the other side of the hedge theres another world. Follow your natural instincts and re-discover the simple wholesome things of life that truely touch our senses..sometimes in this stress driven world where performance figures are king we can so easily lose touch with natural rhythms yet they are within easy reach of us all! CALLEN

PS. Words of wisdom....." To think of others before yourself..is truely the sign of a good person "

Fashion is part conspracy

Oh dont you just sicken at the way the media and fashion industry try to brainwash us into doing their will. Those with a brain know that the fashion industry is a con and a conspiracy..its only purpose is to sell sell sell and make money..to dig into our psychi and manipulate our insecurities/phobias etc they've got it down to a fine art these days.

No I'm not naive or an old fashioned spoilsport..I know the pluses in dressing nicely and looking good..in wanting to attract the opporsite sex and wanting to feel good about yourself etc etc but to be patronised by an industry who treat everyone as ignorent and dictate what you 'must' wear to be cool or accepted by your peers is an insult....they have a lot to be responsable for in brainwashing young girls and causeing them deep phobias..I mean 'size zero' what was all that about!? to promote a fashion statement that underfed skelital bodies are good shows clearly how sick and corrupt the industry really is. all those young innocent girls of 7-13 who picked up on this and now suffer bulmenia. eating dis-orders and self body hatred..self harm etc etc thats the hidden side of the fashion industry.

The Fashion industry which is designed as a money making machine and not to free..enhance..make beautiful the people has now crossed over into body fashion which is a bit scarey to those in the know ie Tattoos have been promoted as 'cool' to mainstream females the past 10 yrs where as before they were limited to male servicemen/bikers/criminals or female performance artists or biker/rockchiks etc but now every chav type female dosent feel fashion conscious without the obligatory ink marking on her smooth skin. its become almost like a mark of acceptence to her peers. add to this white womens obsession with burning their skin by sunburn or tanning shops wanting to resemble negro. happily ignorent to the fact its dangerous to causeing healthy skin cells to turn cancerous and speeds up the skins ageing process.

The lastest body fashion accessery is highly poisonous and toxic yet females are quite happy to waive the risks and inject it into their bodys ie Botox. a chemical that paralyses nerves and reducing the crease or wrinkle effect on the skin. not enough research has been done on helpless animals to date to determine the long term effects of having this injected into your body but..do women care? not at all as long as they look younger. than the Fashion industry brainwashes women into having plastic bags filled with liquid solutions into their chests to increase breast size and altering natural body shape. a godsend? it seems so. in my view its another form of slavery in that women are pondering to mens sexual demands. The list grows ie face lifts..bum liftys..liposuction..vaginal reshaping etc etc its become a multi-billion dollar industry created by the Fashion industry. Fashion is a form of slavery.

If all that isnt enough they are now trying it on with men! Oh the gaul and cheek of it! But surprise surprise! some weak willed shallow men have fallen for it. They are the flowers of the 'New Age man' campaign who pluck and wear make-up. are wearing girly styled and coloured clothes. they go for manicures [or in essex nail bars run by nail technicians..oh give me a break] they submit to girly waxes. which leads to my pet hate and rant! ...to all you girly men out there who fall for this crap...being hairy is manly! Its natural and healthy..the women who are brainwashing your subconscious into waxing your hair are bi-sexual probably anyway and want you to look girly..Wake Up!

I am a caring sensitive loving hairy alpha male who is proud! strip off my shirt and you see a real natural man not some shallow plucked waxed sweet smelling girly excuse for a man..oh I hate the feminisation of men and how the conspiracy that is the fashion industry manages to con some people. CALLEN

PS. Words of wisdom... " The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort but.....where he stands during times of challenge + controversy "

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

UK tv's 'Celebrity Big Brother' comes to an end

The recently finished 'Celebrity Big Brother' was in essence a let down as regard the quality of so called celebs. The programme makers had the opportunity to go out with a bang but instead they opted for shallow media personalities rather then popular celebs known by all. maybe they had a small budget for the last one? or lost interest and were busy scurrying around for new jobs? whatever it was..the finished product was pretty dire. maybe this signals the end of reality tv?

The 'Reality' genre was a big hit with the under 35s the past 10 yrs. I personally disliked the whole concept because it clashes with my pet hates of state/media control over the masses. ok it was an entertainment tv show with a humourous twist but there lies the danger ie you can introduce any theme hidden within a humourous text as its the easiest way for it to be widely accepted. Big Brother society is no laughing matter even on tv entertainment shows simply because it imploys imprisonment of ones life/thoughts and behaviour. Any major change in society is only accepted fully when you miss a generation. ie catch a virgin new generation so they grow up with the new changes and it becomes normal daily life to them and bingo! As the new young slowly take control of instituitions they automatically instugate those changes without much thought and people like myself who care about media and personal freedoms are simply marginalised and ignored [little like ex myspace users who have deserted to facebook] so...I think Big Brother tv entertainment shows like this are dangerous in inducing widespread acceptence of a totalitarian system. you may think that idea is laughable but study the facts! Having said all this I did enjoy aspects of the programme because I enjoy studying human 'types' and social/group behaviour. body language etc etc for this the programme was invalueable.

The 'Celebs' they chose this year were more anti-hero celebs rather then hero. you had people on there who were barely known. others who were there because they were 'ex's' of another celebrity [Dane-Alex-Irvana-Katia] heres my take on them......Vinny Jones. ex footballer and now hollywood movie star. I like the modern Vinny because hes mellowed into a likable rogue but..in the past he seemed to wallow in his hardman thug image. lets face it he looks like a common east end thug. he has little to be proud of in his footballing career as he brought the game into disrepute on more than one occasion with his childish and thug behaviour. he played 'aggressive' football and thought nothing of playing dirty. off the pitch he was worse and was certainly no role model for kids who look up to football heroes. But his 'thug' looks worked for him in film and thanks to 3rd rate film wannabee directer Guy Ritchie who cast him in his crap east end villain pic "Lock Stock and Two smoking Barrels" . It worked out well for Vinny and Hollywood beckoned as he looked right for hardman parts. it made him rich/famous in circles this ex hod carrier could only dream of in the past. I believe he did BB because now his hollywood star is fading and film work is drying up. he obviously thought he would win BB and it would revitalise his flagging career. seeing the disappointment on his face at the end was cruelly entertaining.

Dane ex boyband singer and Katie Price boyfriend was the only ordinary one in the house who played himself with little pretensions. because of that he was liked by everyone including me. Alex current boyfriend of Katie Price was a little sickly but again likable because he was honest about himself. all brawn and little brain but you felt drawn to his apparent naivety. one can forgive the horrible fake tan and bloated body and even his liking for cross dressing. he was genuine and respectful. I think he makes a good partner for Chav Princess Katie...well suited. Irvana 60 yrs old is a little sickly with her pigeon english and super rich lifestyle. ex wife of similer sickly Donald Trump. what on earth was she doing in the house? I found it uncomfortable watching her endure messy tasks designed to humiliate and one has to give credit to her for wearing a fake smile throughout. she was highly amusing after a few drinks with her zany dancing.

Stephenie Beacham 62 yrs old was another odd choice for the house. Shes a past c-list star of regional theatre and b-films..best known the past years for her classy bitch part in 'Dynasty' complete with padded shoulders and posh English accent. She never made a-list film star status although she acted with past greats. she came from a humble background born in Barnet north London she has adopted a posh upper class persona which suits her well. she freely admits she entered the house as a posh stuck up cow...good for her. she joined in with activities and was mother of the house. even younger housemates discreetly declared at 62 she still has a sexiness about her..I agree. Stephen Baldwin 43 yr old b-list american fim star was entertaining also with his zany mad preacher act. that was a big gamble as he risked being labelled a religious oddball but strangely housemates saw the funny side and warmed to him. Jonas [basshunter] came across as a naive mummys boy with his chilish sexual bad humour/farts and love fling with Katia. although after a while he became likable. Cisco was the token black guy who was genuinely likable also apart from his drunken attempts at attention seeking. I think many girls liked him for his cute plumped out bum.

Katia ex girlfriend of Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood aged 62 was another odd choice. she was there simply because she shared old Ronnies bed and split his marriage up. I guess she thought she could impress viewers by doing the same in the house by quickly jumping into Jonus's bed on screen? whatever it failed and she was villified there after and simply regarded as a 'player' and a mindless slut. she certainly lived up to the mindless part as she had very little of interest to say in conversations [maybe unfair editing?] Sov oh what a confused little girl she is. her mismatched street look was all wrong and her brattish tomboy persona just irritated viewers I think. she just acted like a confused thick spoiled little girl and as Stephenie declared she has no redeeming features at all. I have a feeling her whole appearence has lost her fans rather then gained them. Nikki.....cant think why she was there either? a proclaimed WAG and thick she had a vulnerabilty about her that caused most to just want to protect her. although 27 yrs old and a mother of a small child she acted more 13 than grown woman. she was just plain an ordinary nice girl which you couldnt help but liking etc etc.

Whatever you thought of tv's Celebrity Big Brother I guess it was entertaining in an odd sort of way. although the programme makers have said that audience numbers have fallen greatly over the last few years so it had to end I cant understand why they didnt finish ordinary BB and just do a once yearly Celebrity version? I guess you'll all have your own opinions on the last programme and it would be interesting to hear them? CALLEN

Words Of Wisdom......." Its your time now...just do it! Do you want to wake up one morning at 75 with regrets not doing what others warned you against? "